Divine Animals Oracle

Red Fox - Divine Animals Oracle

Daily Divination - Friday, October 08, 2021


“This is a time of transformation, so do not hide what you really are. Work through a strategy to get what you want,” and to become who you want to be.

Foxes are intelligent, able to work around traps, and are also patient hunters.

You are being asked to be smart… and also patient at this time.

There is also the kitsune in the image who you may call upon for the magic of prosperity, but DO NOT try to hide who you really are. Find a way to show your true self, for when you are your true self, the path will be revealed.

This week’s deck is the Divine Animals Oracle (affiliate link) by Stacey Demarco.

Butterfly - Divine Animals Oracle

Daily Divination - Thursday, October 07, 2021

The Soul

See through the eyes of your soul and you will be free.

The transformation may seem long, hard and out of reach… but it is right there within your heart. You do not have to wait for a huge change to start showing your wings. Spread them a little at a time, and let the intentions and small changes take flight like little butterflies heralding in your arrival.

The butterflies are here “with a dose of beauty, hope, and lightness of spirit and a reminder to live your life to the fullest.” Call on the butterflies when you need help moving forward… or the patience to embody the change fully.

This week’s deck is the Divine Animals Oracle (affiliate link) by Stacey Demarco.

Elephant - Divine Animals Oracle

Daily Divination - Wednesday, October 06, 2021


“Be the leader in your own life.”

Many see leadership and instantly think work, career, business. They also hear “take control, be the boss.”

BUT this is a clear call to be the leader IN YOUR LIFE… in your relationships, your self-care, your family.

The elephant is powerful and calm with wisdom and strength that give them their ability to guide through difficult circumstances. They are quiet (mostly) and gentle… they are not loud and demanding. They lead by example, using their actions, wisdom and strength to work through things.

Elephant magic is linked to the Hindu God Ganesha who “makes sure no obstacles are placed in the way of righteous actions, but will also place obstacles to encourage people to take different directions.” Call upon Ganesha and Elephant spirit to help you push away your worries and negativity and lead you towards the best path possible.

This week’s deck is the Divine Animals Oracle (affiliate link) by Stacey Demarco.

Orca - Divine Animals Oracle

Daily Divination - Tuesday, October 05, 2021


What are these Orcas saying to you? Can you feel their energy?

Orcas remain with the matriarchal lines - great grandmothers, grandmothers, mothers, daughters, calves - 5 generations traveling together, supporting each other, learning from each other, growing together.

You too have women in your family… in your life, whom you should be supporting, learning from, and growing with. Women lifting up other women. Who do you need to reconnect with, share more with?

This is also a loving message of self-care and nourishment. Call upon the feminine Orca magic when you need some care and support - allow them to envelop you in their graceful, gentle strength.

This week’s deck is the Divine Animals Oracle (affiliate link) by Stacey Demarco.

Seahorse- Divine Animals Oracle

Daily Divination - Monday, October 04, 2021


“Hiding from our fears is rarely a good strategy.”

The beautiful sea nymph Salacia was afraid that King Neptune would take her away from all she loved if she married him, so she hid. Turns out she needed to only share her concerns with him to know that he only wanted to love and honor her.

When we accept the status quo or hide because we are afraid to rock the boat, afraid that someone will leave, we are not honoring ourselves. We should seek and attract equality in relationships - especially intimate ones. You might only need to share your concerns with your partner and work on a solution born out of love and compassion.

Seahorse energy is that of equal participation and love. They have an elaborate courtship before the male has a high involvement in rearing the young. It is time to call on this Seahorse energy and “ensure that the domestic and emotional labor in your world is shared equally.” Use their magic to ask for help with flow and fluidity.

If that cannot be found, is this really a true partnership… in love or in life?

This week’s deck is the Divine Animals Oracle (affiliate link) by Stacey Demarco.

Polar Bear - Divine Animals Oracle

Daily Divination - Sunday, October 03, 2021


“You are the carrier of a bloodline that stretches back for millennia, yet you are uniquely your own self.”

This card has a dual meaning today…

Your ancestors and the strength of the great Polar Bear are always available to protect and support you. Take a deep breath and feel them with you.

Equally, you are not your ancestors, you are not their mistakes, you are not their lessons.

You are your own unique person, on your own unique path. Sometimes you will be on a solitary journey like the polar bear. Sometimes you will need to jump into the cold, icy waters to clear off energy from the past… yours and theirs.

Emerge, shake yourself off… rejuvenated and renewed.

This week’s deck is the Divine Animals Oracle (affiliate link) by Stacey Demarco.

Armadillo - Divine Animals Oracle

Daily Divination - Saturday, October 02, 2021


“Sometimes we need to look at the flowers at our feet before looking to the stars.”

Have you become disconnected… falling prey to fear and unnecessary drama?

It is time for you to get grounded within your body.

“Armadillo magic is profoundly earth-based and grounded. It is ancient and profound and can be used when you are feeling off-kilter and unsure. If you are not clear on what to do next, use armadillo magic to bring you stability and power.”

Go outside (it only takes a moment if it is cold) and touch the Earth, feel the dirt, sit by a tree. Feel the light of source flow through you… down through your feet, anchoring you to Mother Earth. Feel the support of the earth under your feet and be fully present in your body. Take this feeling with you throughout the day and call on Armadillo when you need strength and support.

This week’s deck is the Divine Animals Oracle (affiliate link) by Stacey Demarco.

Red Fox - Divine Animals Oracle

RED FOX: Divine Animals Oracle by Stacey Demarco, strategy

Daily Divination - Friday, January 24, 2020


“This is a time of transformation, so do not hide what you really are. Work through a strategy to get what you want,” and to become who you want to be.

Foxes are intelligent, able to work around traps, and are also patient hunters.

You are being asked to be smart… and also patient at this time.

There is also the kitsune in the image who you may call upon for the magic of prosperity, but DO NOT try to hide who you really are. Find a way to show your true self, for when you are your true self, the path will be revealed.

This week’s deck is the Divine Animals Oracle (affiliate link) by Stacey Demarco.

Butterfly - Divine Animals Oracle

BUTTERFLY: Divine Animals Oracle by Stacey Demarco, the soul

Daily Divination - Thursday, January 23, 2020

The Soul

See through the eyes of your soul and you will be free.

The transformation may seem long, hard and out of reach… but it is right there within your heart. You do not have to wait for a huge change to start showing your wings. Spread them a little at a time, and let the intentions and small changes take flight like little butterflies heralding in your arrival.

The butterflies are here “with a dose of beauty, hope, and lightness of spirit and a reminder to live your life to the fullest.” Call on the butterflies when you need help moving forward… or the patience to embody the change fully.

This week’s deck is the Divine Animals Oracle (affiliate link) by Stacey Demarco.

Elephant - Divine Animals Oracle

ELEPHANT: Divine Animals Oracle by Stacey Demarco, leadership

Daily Divination - Wednesday, January 22, 2020


“Be the leader in your own life.”

Many see leadership and instantly think work, career, business. They also hear “take control, be the boss.”

BUT this is a clear call to be the leader IN YOUR LIFE… in your relationships, your self-care, your family.

The elephant is powerful and calm with wisdom and strength that give them their ability to guide through difficult circumstances. They are quiet (mostly) and gentle… they are not loud and demanding. They lead by example, using their actions, wisdom and strength to work through things.

Elephant magic is linked to the Hindu God Ganesha who “makes sure no obstacles are placed in the way of righteous actions, but will also place obstacles to encourage people to take different directions.” Call upon Ganesha and Elephant spirit to help you push away your worries and negativity and lead you towards the best path possible.

This week’s deck is the Divine Animals Oracle (affiliate link) by Stacey Demarco.

Orca- Divine Animals Oracle

ORCA: Divine Animals Oracle by Stacey Demarco, songlines, family, whales

Daily Divination - Tuesday, January 21, 2020


What are these Orcas saying to you? Can you feel their energy?

Orcas remain with the matriarchal lines - great grandmothers, grandmothers, mothers, daughters, calves - 5 generations traveling together, supporting each other, learning from each other, growing together.

You too have women in your family… in your life, whom you should be supporting, learning from, and growing with. Women lifting up other women. Who do you need to reconnect with, share more with?

This is also a loving message of self-care and nourishment. Call upon the feminine Orca magic when you need some care and support - allow them to envelop you in their graceful, gentle strength.

This week’s deck is the Divine Animals Oracle (affiliate link) by Stacey Demarco.

Seahorse- Divine Animals Oracle

SEAHORSE: Divine Animals Oracle by Stacey Demarco, equality

Daily Divination - Monday, January 20, 2020


A particularly aligned message of equality on Martin Luther King Day here in the US.

“Hiding from our fears is rarely a good strategy.”

The beautiful sea nymph Salacia was afraid that King Neptune would take her away from all she loved if she married him, so she hid. Turns out she needed to only share her concerns with him to know that he only wanted to love and honor her.

When we accept the status quo or hide because we are afraid to rock the boat, afraid that someone will leave, we are not honoring ourselves. We should seek and attract equality in relationships - especially intimate ones. You might only need to share your concerns with your partner and work on a solution born out of love and compassion.

Seahorse energy is that of equal participation and love. They have an elaborate courtship before the male has a high involvement in rearing the young. It is time to call on this Seahorse energy and “ensure that the domestic and emotional labor in your world is shared equally.” Use their magic to ask for help with flow and fluidity.

If that cannot be found, is this really a true partnership… in love or in life?

This week’s deck is the Divine Animals Oracle (affiliate link) by Stacey Demarco.

Polar Bear - Divine Animals Oracle

POLAR BEAR: Divine Animals Oracle by Stacey Demarco, ancestors

Daily Divination - Sunday, January 19, 2020


“You are the carrier of a bloodline that stretches back for millennia, yet you are uniquely your own self.”

This card has a dual meaning today…

Your ancestors and the strength of the great Polar Bear are always available to protect and support you. Take a deep breath and feel them with you.

Equally, you are not your ancestors, you are not their mistakes, you are not their lessons.

You are your own unique person, on your own unique path. Sometimes you will be on a solitary journey like the polar bear. Sometimes you will need to jump into the cold, icy waters to clear off energy from the past… yours and theirs.

Emerge, shake yourself off… rejuvenated and renewed.

This week’s deck is the Divine Animals Oracle (affiliate link) by Stacey Demarco.

Armadillo - Divine Animals Oracle

ARMADILLO: Divine Animals Oracle by Stacey Demarco, groundedness

Daily Divination - Saturday, January 18, 2020


“Sometimes we need to look at the flowers at our feet before looking to the stars.”

Have you become disconnected… falling prey to fear and unnecessary drama?

It is time for you to get grounded within your body.

“Armadillo magic is profoundly earth-based and grounded. It is ancient and profound and can be used when you are feeling off-kilter and unsure. If you are not clear on what to do next, use armadillo magic to bring you stability and power.”

Go outside (it only takes a moment if it is cold) and touch the Earth, feel the dirt, sit by a tree. Feel the light of source flow through you… down through your feet, anchoring you to Mother Earth. Feel the support of the earth under your feet and be fully present in your body. Take this feeling with you throughout the day and call on Armadillo when you need strength and support.

This week’s deck is the Divine Animals Oracle (affiliate link) by Stacey Demarco.