
Orca - Divine Animals Oracle

Daily Divination - Tuesday, October 05, 2021


What are these Orcas saying to you? Can you feel their energy?

Orcas remain with the matriarchal lines - great grandmothers, grandmothers, mothers, daughters, calves - 5 generations traveling together, supporting each other, learning from each other, growing together.

You too have women in your family… in your life, whom you should be supporting, learning from, and growing with. Women lifting up other women. Who do you need to reconnect with, share more with?

This is also a loving message of self-care and nourishment. Call upon the feminine Orca magic when you need some care and support - allow them to envelop you in their graceful, gentle strength.

This week’s deck is the Divine Animals Oracle (affiliate link) by Stacey Demarco.

Whale - Earth Magic Oracle

Daily Divination - Sunday, July 11th, 2021


Whales live in the sea, but they break from their normal environment and routine to fly into the air… play, move freely and jump with abandon.

This card is a message to you that it is time for a break from the normal routine. “You have become so attached to your surroundings that you have created within them an illusion of safety, yet it is not these things that make you feel safe.” The familiarity of the little box you have built for yourself, the false and limiting beliefs, the status quo, are no longer serving you.

What beliefs are ready to be let go of? What routines do you need to break out of?

It is time to try something new, to shift out of your comfort zone, and follow the guidance of your heart. What makes you smile, what makes your heart sing… START DOING THOSE THINGS!

*This week’s deck is the Earth Magic Oracle by Steven D. Farmer (affiliate link).

Whale - Earth Magic Oracle

WHALE: Earth Magic Oracle by Steven D. Farmer, breach

Daily Divination - Sunday, August 23, 2020


Whales live in the sea, but they break from their normal environment and routine to fly into the air… play, move freely and jump with abandon.

This card is a message to you that it is time for a break from the normal routine. “You have become so attached to your surroundings that you have created within them an illusion of safety, yet it is not these things that make you feel safe.” The familiarity of the little box you have built for yourself, the false and limiting beliefs, the status quo, are no longer serving you.

What beliefs are ready to be let go of? What routines do you need to break out of?

It is time to try something new, to shift out of your comfort zone, and follow the guidance of your heart. What makes you smile, what makes your heart sing… START DOING THOSE THINGS!

*This week’s deck is the Earth Magic Oracle by Steven D. Farmer (affiliate link).

Orca- Divine Animals Oracle

ORCA: Divine Animals Oracle by Stacey Demarco, songlines, family, whales

Daily Divination - Tuesday, January 21, 2020


What are these Orcas saying to you? Can you feel their energy?

Orcas remain with the matriarchal lines - great grandmothers, grandmothers, mothers, daughters, calves - 5 generations traveling together, supporting each other, learning from each other, growing together.

You too have women in your family… in your life, whom you should be supporting, learning from, and growing with. Women lifting up other women. Who do you need to reconnect with, share more with?

This is also a loving message of self-care and nourishment. Call upon the feminine Orca magic when you need some care and support - allow them to envelop you in their graceful, gentle strength.

This week’s deck is the Divine Animals Oracle (affiliate link) by Stacey Demarco.

Daily Divination - Monday, April 8, 2019

WHALE- Archangel Animal Oracle, Diana Cooper


This is the card of Mastery…

This card is about breathing, meditating, and calmly coming into alignment with what is.

“Rise above worldly matters and spread love, light, hope, and inspiration to those around you.”

Today is all about understanding that you can’t control everything happening around you. You can’t stop the earthly energy of other people and situations from impacting your world, but you certainly have the choice to maintain your own composure, to tap into your innate grace, and to hold steady while the dust clears.

*This week’s deck is the Archangel Animal Oracle Cards (affiliate link) by Diana Cooper.

Daily Divination - Friday, January 25, 2019

WHALE SPIRIT - Spirit Animal Oracle

Trust the great mystery.

WOW! Look at the power, yet gentle, quiet beauty. Feel it for a moment.

TRUST… that is a tall order, but one that is required today. “When Whale Spirit appears, it is a reminder that there is a Great Mystery that you must accept without intellectually trying to understand it.” OH BOY - ACCEPT without UNDERSTANDING!

“Some things cannot be known by the mind, only experienced through the heart, through intuition and through the peripheral senses that part the invisible veils… Now is the time to immerse yourself in the Great Mystery of Spirit and trust that within the Invisible, what you can’t see now are the seeds of your intentions being tended to by angels.”

Can you do that? Can you let go of control, stop trying to figure everything out, and TRUST? Today is the day to try…

*This week’s deck is the Spirit Animal Oracle (affiliate link) by Colette Baron-Reid.