Elephant - Divine Animals Oracle

Daily Divination - Wednesday, October 06, 2021


“Be the leader in your own life.”

Many see leadership and instantly think work, career, business. They also hear “take control, be the boss.”

BUT this is a clear call to be the leader IN YOUR LIFE… in your relationships, your self-care, your family.

The elephant is powerful and calm with wisdom and strength that give them their ability to guide through difficult circumstances. They are quiet (mostly) and gentle… they are not loud and demanding. They lead by example, using their actions, wisdom and strength to work through things.

Elephant magic is linked to the Hindu God Ganesha who “makes sure no obstacles are placed in the way of righteous actions, but will also place obstacles to encourage people to take different directions.” Call upon Ganesha and Elephant spirit to help you push away your worries and negativity and lead you towards the best path possible.

This week’s deck is the Divine Animals Oracle (affiliate link) by Stacey Demarco.