Six of Cups - Everyday Tarot

Daily Divination - Monday, April 25, 2022


The six of cups often signifies a moment when we are reflecting on the past, or perhaps on a time when life was easier. It's okay to go back in time and savor the moments, but don't attach to those thoughts… Let those thoughts stay in the past and focus on the here and now, and on the new experiences you can create going forward.

"The Six of Cups is a card that takes you back to the happy memories from your past, whether as a child, teenager or young adult. You may simply be revisiting those memories in your mind, or you may travel back to your childhood home or reconnect with your childhood friends. You could go to a high school reunion or reconnect with an old buddy. A teenage sweetheart or past lover may turn up again. These connections bring you a sense of joy and happiness as you reminisce over all the fun times you had together. Take this occasion to explore whether you still have a lot in common and if you wish to continue the relationship now."

"*This week’s deck is the Everyday Tarot Deck by Brigit Esselmont (affiliate link).