Bigit Esselmont

Justice - Everyday Tarot

Daily Divination - Friday, April 29, 2022


Ahh, the Justice card...
Whether you like it or not, agree or not, Justice will be done today. If you are on the receiving end of justice, then breathe that in. If you are not, then take this opportunity to see what you could do differently next time, or how you can make amends.

“The Justice card represents justice, fairness, truth, and the law. You are being called to account for your actions and will be judged accordingly. If you have acted in alignment with your Higher Self and for the greater good of others, you have nothing to worry about. However, if you haven’t, you will be called out and made to own up to your actions. If this has you shaking in your boots, know that the Justice card isn’t as black and white as you may think. A level of compassion and understanding accompany Justice, and although you may have done something you regret, this card suggests that you will be treated fairly and without bias. Be ready to take responsibility for your actions and stand accountable for the ensuing consequences.”

This week’s deck is the Everyday Tarot Deck by Brigit Esselmont (affiliate link).

Nine of Wands - Everyday Tarot

Daily Divination - Thursday, April 28, 2022


The nine of wands is a card of completion. Perhaps something difficult has come to an end, but here is the good news... You're still standing. Whatever the challenge, the battle, or the problem, just know that you have more inside of you than you think. Don't give up, no matter what the circumstances. The Universe is waiting to be the wind beneath your wings... just connect to Source and allow for yourself to be helped.

"This card may also come when you feel battered and bruised, having endured significant challenges and struggles along your path. Just when you think you are making progress, you suffer another setback. The Nine of Wands asks you to trust that this is merely a test of your 'grit' and resilience, and know that every time you overcome an obstacle, you are getting stronger. You have the inner resources necessary to overcome any difficulty you encounter, even though it may seem impossible at the time. See this Nine as an assurance that you will eventually prosper if you maintain your position. And, if you do not succeed at first, then try again."

*This week’s deck is the Everyday Tarot Deck by Brigit Esselmont (affiliate link).

The Magician - Everyday Tarot

Daily Divination - Wednesday, April 27, 2022


When the Magician appears, we are reminded that we are powerful Co-creators of the Universe. Whatever has come forward for us in the past couple of days, we are reminded today that we can attain our full potential, reach our goals, and turn situations in our life around... if we work with the energy of the Universe.

“As a master manifestor, the Magician brings you the tools, resources, and energy you need to make your dreams come true. Seriously, everything you need right now is at your fingertips. You have the spiritual (fire), physical (earth), mental (air) and emotional (water) resources to manifest your desires. And when you combine them with the energy of the spiritual and earthly realms, you will become a manifestation powerhouse! The key is to bring these tools together synergistically so that the impact of what you create is greater than the separate parts. This is alchemy at its best!”

*This week’s deck is the Everyday Tarot Deck by Brigit Esselmont (affiliate link).

Nine of Swords - Everyday Tarot

Daily Divination - Tuesday, April 26, 2022


The nine of swords is here to say that whatever you are worrying about, the fearful thoughts you have, the cause of whatever concern you have... all of this is not from God/Source/Creator. In fact, when we wallow in fear, we often attract the fearful things we are focusing on. Instead, find a way to connect with your Higher Self and Higher Power - release your fears, and ask to be shown the way back to peace.

“The Nine of Swords suggests that dark thoughts and disturbing feelings are weighing you down (and keeping you up at night). You are worrying excessively about a situation, and your negative thoughts are getting the better of you, leaving you stressed and anxious. The more you associate with your fears, the more they will rule your life. As you obsess over what’s not working, the more anxious you become, and the more you will worry. It becomes a negative cycle where one awful thought leads to another, and another, and another until they overwhelm you. Just as the nine swords are stacked upon each other on the wall, so too are your negative thoughts.

Be careful because the fear and worry in the Nine of Swords can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. As you obsess over what may go wrong, you are more likely to manifest your worst-case scenario because you are inadvertently acting in ways that support your negative thoughts. For example, you may worry that your partner will cheat on you, even though you’ve found no signs of infidelity. The more you stress about this potential outcome, the more your anxiety pushes away your partner, until one day, he feels so disconnected from you that he starts a new relationship with someone else. When you are repeating negative thoughts in your mind, you run the risk of manifesting them in your life. So, the Nine of Swords asks you to break the cycle. Every time a negative emotion comes up, replace it with a positive one instead.”

"*This week’s deck is the Everyday Tarot Deck by Brigit Esselmont (affiliate link).

Six of Cups - Everyday Tarot

Daily Divination - Monday, April 25, 2022


The six of cups often signifies a moment when we are reflecting on the past, or perhaps on a time when life was easier. It's okay to go back in time and savor the moments, but don't attach to those thoughts… Let those thoughts stay in the past and focus on the here and now, and on the new experiences you can create going forward.

"The Six of Cups is a card that takes you back to the happy memories from your past, whether as a child, teenager or young adult. You may simply be revisiting those memories in your mind, or you may travel back to your childhood home or reconnect with your childhood friends. You could go to a high school reunion or reconnect with an old buddy. A teenage sweetheart or past lover may turn up again. These connections bring you a sense of joy and happiness as you reminisce over all the fun times you had together. Take this occasion to explore whether you still have a lot in common and if you wish to continue the relationship now."

"*This week’s deck is the Everyday Tarot Deck by Brigit Esselmont (affiliate link).

Six of Wands - Everyday Tarot

Daily Divination - Sunday, April 24, 2022


The six of wands is the card of acknowledgment and recognition. Today it's all about seeing things clearly...especially after yesterday's card (the Ace of Swords). Whatever is needing to be revealed or "seen," this is the day it will show itself to you.

"The Six of Wands is positive encouragement to believe in who you are and your accomplishments so far. Have faith in what you've done and how others will receive it. Do not let fear or guilt stand in the way of your success. You ought to be proud! Hold your head up high and know you're worthy of admiration.

While the Six of Wands marks an important milestone, keep in mind that you're not quite at the finish line just yet. You still have some way to go, and challenges may sit on the path ahead – but take heart knowing you have the support of those around you and they are here to back you 100%."

*This week’s deck is the Everyday Tarot Deck by Brigit Esselmont (affiliate link).

Ace of Swords - Everyday Tarot

Daily Divination - Saturday, April 23, 2022


Today is all about the Truth, yours, and the people in your life. What is being revealed for you?

“The Ace of Swords marks a wave of new energy from the intellectual realms. You may be on the verge of a significant breakthrough or a new way of thinking that allows you to view the world with clear eyes. Or, you may have a sudden realization or conscious understanding about an issue that has been troubling you and can finally see the path ahead of you. Meditate regularly to clear away the mental chatter and make the most of this intellectual potential.”

*This week’s deck is the Everyday Tarot Deck by Brigit Esselmont (affiliate link).

Nine of Swords - Everyday Tarot

Daily Divination - Friday, August 06th, 2021


The nine of swords is here to say that whatever you are worrying about, the fearful thoughts you have, the cause of whatever concern you have... all of this is not from God/Source/Creator. In fact, when we wallow in fear, we often attract the fearful things we are focusing on. Instead, find a way to connect with your Higher Self and Higher Power - release your fears, and ask to be shown the way back to peace.

“The Nine of Swords suggests that dark thoughts and disturbing feelings are weighing you down (and keeping you up at night). You are worrying excessively about a situation, and your negative thoughts are getting the better of you, leaving you stressed and anxious. The more you associate with your fears, the more they will rule your life. As you obsess over what’s not working, the more anxious you become, and the more you will worry. It becomes a negative cycle where one awful thought leads to another, and another, and another until they overwhelm you. Just as the nine swords are stacked upon each other on the wall, so too are your negative thoughts.

Be careful because the fear and worry in the Nine of Swords can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. As you obsess over what may go wrong, you are more likely to manifest your worst-case scenario because you are inadvertently acting in ways that support your negative thoughts. For example, you may worry that your partner will cheat on you, even though you’ve found no signs of infidelity. The more you stress about this potential outcome, the more your anxiety pushes away your partner, until one day, he feels so disconnected from you that he starts a new relationship with someone else. When you are repeating negative thoughts in your mind, you run the risk of manifesting them in your life. So, the Nine of Swords asks you to break the cycle. Every time a negative emotion comes up, replace it with a positive one instead.”

"*This week’s deck is the Everyday Tarot Deck by Brigit Esselmont (affiliate link).

Six of Cups - Everyday Tarot

Daily Divination - Thursday, August 05th, 2021


The six of cups often signifies a moment when we are reflecting on the past, or perhaps on a time when life was easier. It's okay to go back in time and savor the moments, but don't attach to those thoughts… Let those thoughts stay in the past and focus on the here and now, and on the new experiences you can create going forward.

"The Six of Cups is a card that takes you back to the happy memories from your past, whether as a child, teenager or young adult. You may simply be revisiting those memories in your mind, or you may travel back to your childhood home or reconnect with your childhood friends. You could go to a high school reunion or reconnect with an old buddy. A teenage sweetheart or past lover may turn up again. These connections bring you a sense of joy and happiness as you reminisce over all the fun times you had together. Take this occasion to explore whether you still have a lot in common and if you wish to continue the relationship now."

"*This week’s deck is the Everyday Tarot Deck by Brigit Esselmont (affiliate link).

Justice - Everyday Tarot

Daily Divination - Wednesday, August 04th, 2021


Ahh, the Justice card...
Whether you like it or not, agree or not, Justice will be done today. If you are on the receiving end of justice, then breathe that in. If you are not, then take this opportunity to see what you could do differently next time, or how you can make amends.

“The Justice card represents justice, fairness, truth, and the law. You are being called to account for your actions and will be judged accordingly. If you have acted in alignment with your Higher Self and for the greater good of others, you have nothing to worry about. However, if you haven’t, you will be called out and made to own up to your actions. If this has you shaking in your boots, know that the Justice card isn’t as black and white as you may think. A level of compassion and understanding accompany Justice, and although you may have done something you regret, this card suggests that you will be treated fairly and without bias. Be ready to take responsibility for your actions and stand accountable for the ensuing consequences.”

"*This week’s deck is the Everyday Tarot Deck by Brigit Esselmont (affiliate link).

Nine of Wands - Everyday Tarot

Daily Divination - Tuesday, August 03rd, 2021


The nine of wands is a card of completion. Perhaps something difficult has come to an end, but here is the good news... You're still standing. Whatever the challenge, the battle, or the problem, just know that you have more inside of you than you think. Don't give up, no matter what the circumstances. The Universe is waiting to be the wind beneath your wings... just connect to Source and allow for yourself to be helped.

"This card may also come when you feel battered and bruised, having endured significant challenges and struggles along your path. Just when you think you are making progress, you suffer another setback. The Nine of Wands asks you to trust that this is merely a test of your 'grit' and resilience, and know that every time you overcome an obstacle, you are getting stronger. You have the inner resources necessary to overcome any difficulty you encounter, even though it may seem impossible at the time. See this Nine as an assurance that you will eventually prosper if you maintain your position. And, if you do not succeed at first, then try again.

"*This week’s deck is the Everyday Tarot Deck by Brigit Esselmont (affiliate link).

The Magician - Everyday Tarot

Daily Divination - Monday, August 02nd, 2021


When the Magician appears, we are reminded that we are powerful Co-creators of the Universe. Whatever has come forward for us in the past couple of days, we are reminded today that we can attain our full potential, reach our goals, and turn situations in our life around... if we work with the energy of the Universe.

“As a master manifestor, the Magician brings you the tools, resources, and energy you need to make your dreams come true. Seriously, everything you need right now is at your fingertips. You have the spiritual (fire), physical (earth), mental (air) and emotional (water) resources to manifest your desires. And when you combine them with the energy of the spiritual and earthly realms, you will become a manifestation powerhouse! The key is to bring these tools together synergistically so that the impact of what you create is greater than the separate parts. This is alchemy at its best!”

*This week’s deck is the Everyday Tarot Deck by Brigit Esselmont (affiliate link).

Six of Wands - Everyday Tarot

Daily Divination - Sunday, August 01st, 2021


The six of wands is the card of acknowledgment and recognition. Today it's all about seeing things clearly...especially after yesterday's card (the Ace of Swords). Whatever is needing to be revealed or "seen," this is the day it will show itself to you.

"The Six of Wands is positive encouragement to believe in who you are and your accomplishments so far. Have faith in what you've done and how others will receive it. Do not let fear or guilt stand in the way of your success. You ought to be proud! Hold your head up high and know you're worthy of admiration.

While the Six of Wands marks an important milestone, keep in mind that you're not quite at the finish line just yet. You still have some way to go, and challenges may sit on the path ahead – but take heart knowing you have the support of those around you and they are here to back you 100%."

*This week’s deck is the Everyday Tarot Deck by Brigit Esselmont (affiliate link).

Ace of Swords - Everyday Tarot

Daily Divination - Saturday, July 31st, 2021


Today is all about the Truth, yours, and the people in your life. What is being revealed for you?

“The Ace of Swords marks a wave of new energy from the intellectual realms. You may be on the verge of a significant breakthrough or a new way of thinking that allows you to view the world with clear eyes. Or, you may have a sudden realization or conscious understanding about an issue that has been troubling you and can finally see the path ahead of you. Meditate regularly to clear away the mental chatter and make the most of this intellectual potential.”

*This week’s deck is the Everyday Tarot Deck by Brigit Esselmont (affiliate link).

Nine of Swords - Everyday Tarot

NINE OF SWORDS: Everyday Tarot by Brigit Esselmont

Daily Divination - Friday, August 21, 2020


The nine of swords is here to say that whatever you are worrying about, the fearful thoughts you have, the cause of whatever concern you have... all of this is not from God/Source/Creator. In fact, when we wallow in fear, we often attract the fearful things we are focusing on. Instead, find a way to connect with your Higher Self and Higher Power - release your fears, and ask to be shown the way back to peace.

“The Nine of Swords suggests that dark thoughts and disturbing feelings are weighing you down (and keeping you up at night). You are worrying excessively about a situation, and your negative thoughts are getting the better of you, leaving you stressed and anxious. The more you associate with your fears, the more they will rule your life. As you obsess over what’s not working, the more anxious you become, and the more you will worry. It becomes a negative cycle where one awful thought leads to another, and another, and another until they overwhelm you. Just as the nine swords are stacked upon each other on the wall, so too are your negative thoughts.

Be careful because the fear and worry in the Nine of Swords can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. As you obsess over what may go wrong, you are more likely to manifest your worst-case scenario because you are inadvertently acting in ways that support your negative thoughts. For example, you may worry that your partner will cheat on you, even though you’ve found no signs of infidelity. The more you stress about this potential outcome, the more your anxiety pushes away your partner, until one day, he feels so disconnected from you that he starts a new relationship with someone else. When you are repeating negative thoughts in your mind, you run the risk of manifesting them in your life. So, the Nine of Swords asks you to break the cycle. Every time a negative emotion comes up, replace it with a positive one instead.”

"*This week’s deck is the Everyday Tarot Deck by Brigit Esselmont (affiliate link).

Six of Cups - Everyday Tarot

SIX OF CUPS: Everyday Tarot by Brigit Esselmont

Daily Divination - Thursday, August 20, 2020


The six of cups often signifies a moment when we are reflecting on the past, or perhaps on a time when life was easier. It's okay to go back in time and savor the moments, but don't attach to those thoughts… Let those thoughts stay in the past and focus on the here and now, and on the new experiences you can create going forward.

"The Six of Cups is a card that takes you back to the happy memories from your past, whether as a child, teenager or young adult. You may simply be revisiting those memories in your mind, or you may travel back to your childhood home or reconnect with your childhood friends. You could go to a high school reunion or reconnect with an old buddy. A teenage sweetheart or past lover may turn up again. These connections bring you a sense of joy and happiness as you reminisce over all the fun times you had together. Take this occasion to explore whether you still have a lot in common and if you wish to continue the relationship now."

"*This week’s deck is the Everyday Tarot Deck by Brigit Esselmont (affiliate link).

Justice - Everyday Tarot

JUSTICE: Everyday Tarot by Brigit Esselmont

Daily Divination - Wednesday, August 19, 2020


Ahh, the Justice card...
Whether you like it or not, agree or not, Justice will be done today. If you are on the receiving end of justice, then breathe that in. If you are not, then take this opportunity to see what you could do differently next time, or how you can make amends.

“The Justice card represents justice, fairness, truth, and the law. You are being called to account for your actions and will be judged accordingly. If you have acted in alignment with your Higher Self and for the greater good of others, you have nothing to worry about. However, if you haven’t, you will be called out and made to own up to your actions. If this has you shaking in your boots, know that the Justice card isn’t as black and white as you may think. A level of compassion and understanding accompany Justice, and although you may have done something you regret, this card suggests that you will be treated fairly and without bias. Be ready to take responsibility for your actions and stand accountable for the ensuing consequences.”

"*This week’s deck is the Everyday Tarot Deck by Brigit Esselmont (affiliate link).

Nine of Wands - Everyday Tarot

NINE OF WANDS: Everyday Tarot by Brigit Esselmont

Daily Divination - Tuesday, August 18, 2020


The nine of wands is a card of completion. Perhaps something difficult has come to an end, but here is the good news... You're still standing. Whatever the challenge, the battle, or the problem, just know that you have more inside of you than you think. Don't give up, no matter what the circumstances. The Universe is waiting to be the wind beneath your wings... just connect to Source and allow for yourself to be helped.

"This card may also come when you feel battered and bruised, having endured significant challenges and struggles along your path. Just when you think you are making progress, you suffer another setback. The Nine of Wands asks you to trust that this is merely a test of your 'grit' and resilience, and know that every time you overcome an obstacle, you are getting stronger. You have the inner resources necessary to overcome any difficulty you encounter, even though it may seem impossible at the time. See this Nine as an assurance that you will eventually prosper if you maintain your position. And, if you do not succeed at first, then try again.

"*This week’s deck is the Everyday Tarot Deck by Brigit Esselmont (affiliate link).

The Magician - Everyday Tarot

THE MAGICIAN: Everyday Tarot by Brigit Esselmont

Daily Divination - Monday, August 17, 2020


When the Magician appears, we are reminded that we are powerful Co-creators of the Universe. Whatever has come forward for us in the past couple of days, we are reminded today that we can attain our full potential, reach our goals, and turn situations in our life around... if we work with the energy of the Universe.

“As a master manifestor, the Magician brings you the tools, resources, and energy you need to make your dreams come true. Seriously, everything you need right now is at your fingertips. You have the spiritual (fire), physical (earth), mental (air) and emotional (water) resources to manifest your desires. And when you combine them with the energy of the spiritual and earthly realms, you will become a manifestation powerhouse! The key is to bring these tools together synergistically so that the impact of what you create is greater than the separate parts. This is alchemy at its best!”

*This week’s deck is the Everyday Tarot Deck by Brigit Esselmont (affiliate link).

Six of Wands - Everyday Tarot

SIX OF WANDS: Everyday Tarot by Brigit Esselmont

Daily Divination - Sunday, August 16, 2020


The six of wands is the card of acknowledgment and recognition. Today it's all about seeing things clearly...especially after yesterday's card (the Ace of Swords). Whatever is needing to be revealed or "seen," this is the day it will show itself to you.

"The Six of Wands is positive encouragement to believe in who you are and your accomplishments so far. Have faith in what you've done and how others will receive it. Do not let fear or guilt stand in the way of your success. You ought to be proud! Hold your head up high and know you're worthy of admiration.

While the Six of Wands marks an important milestone, keep in mind that you're not quite at the finish line just yet. You still have some way to go, and challenges may sit on the path ahead – but take heart knowing you have the support of those around you and they are here to back you 100%."

*This week’s deck is the Everyday Tarot Deck by Brigit Esselmont (affiliate link).