Penelope Dreamweaver- The Faeries Oracle

PENELOPE DREAMWEAVER: The Faeries Oracle by Brian Froud and Jessica Macbeth

Daily Divination - Wednesday, April 21st 2021


“Seek visions and inspiration. Be aware they are often subtle and require close attention. Pay special attention to unsought inspirations at this time. They have something wonderful to offer you, but it is up to you to catch them and bring them into reality.”

If something resonates with you or catches your attention, allow yourself to be drawn to it without judgment. It doesn’t have to be some mysterious symbol or some numerological sign; it can be as simple as being drawn to a tv show or even a flower.

There is a lesson to be held in this interest. Remember, everything is an aspect of the Divine.

*This week’s deck is the Faeries Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica Macbeth (affiliate link).