Brian Froud

Nelys the Alchemist - The Faeries Oracle

NELYS THE ALCHEMIST: The Faeries Oracle by Brian Froud and Jessica Macbeth

Daily Divination - Friday, April 23rd 2021


“In Faery - and sometimes our world - alchemy is the study and practice of transforming the soul from the lead of primitive conditioned reactions to the gold of spiritual and practical attainment.”

Nelys is mistress of the alchemical arts. When Nelys turns up, be ready for things to happen, inwardly and outwardly. The stuck becomes unstuck; the blocked begins to move. Expect the unexpected.

Some things may not have been in your plans, but it was just what you needed. “Faeries hide what you want and reveal what you need.”

*This week’s deck is the Faeries Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica Macbeth (affiliate link).

The Faery Godmother- The Faeries Oracle

THE FAERY GODMOTHER: The Faeries Oracle by Brian Froud and Jessica Macbeth

Daily Divination - Thursday, April 22nd 2021


Sairie is this fairies name. She turns up to help change the mood and offer a little bit of her fairy dust.

Good things may well be happening that we don’t think we deserve or have asked for.

Keep an eye out for “unexpected good fortune, especially when you thought you had bad luck coming your way.” Also, remember to say thank you by passing a kindness on to another, spreading your own kind of fairy dust onto the world.

*This week’s deck is the Faeries Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica Macbeth (affiliate link).

Penelope Dreamweaver- The Faeries Oracle

PENELOPE DREAMWEAVER: The Faeries Oracle by Brian Froud and Jessica Macbeth

Daily Divination - Wednesday, April 21st 2021


“Seek visions and inspiration. Be aware they are often subtle and require close attention. Pay special attention to unsought inspirations at this time. They have something wonderful to offer you, but it is up to you to catch them and bring them into reality.”

If something resonates with you or catches your attention, allow yourself to be drawn to it without judgment. It doesn’t have to be some mysterious symbol or some numerological sign; it can be as simple as being drawn to a tv show or even a flower.

There is a lesson to be held in this interest. Remember, everything is an aspect of the Divine.

*This week’s deck is the Faeries Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica Macbeth (affiliate link).

Iris of the Rainbows- The Faeries Oracle

IRIS OF THE RAINBOWS: The Faeries Oracle by Brian Froud and Jessica Macbeth

Daily Divination - Tuesday, April 20th 2021


The energy is building off of each other this week. Each card holds a theme relevant to the next. This is about wellness and recognizing the rainbow that has come after the storm.

Iris tells us that “the light is breaking through our present darkness today and hope is a powerful factor in speeding up the process. Not that it won’t ever storm again, but there is brightness and beauty here. A passage through a storm is a time of potential growth.”

Ask yourself what you may still need to release today. Continue on your journey, knowing all happens for a reason and never lose hope.

*This week’s deck is the Faeries Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica Macbeth (affiliate link).

The Faun- The Faeries Oracle

THE FAUN: The Faeries Oracle by Brian Froud and Jessica Macbeth

Daily Divination - Monday, April 19th 2021


The theme for this week seems to be allowing things to flow and coming back to our true nature.

The more we are true to our own nature, the more we have access to our own magic. When we get caught up in believing limitations imposed by ourselves or our culture, we inhibit the flow of energy.

Limited thoughts are simply just that, thoughts. They can be easily changed by making the choice to choose thoughts meant for your highest good. Opening up can require a great deal of reflection and self-observation, but it is not impossible.

Make a commitment to do something better for yourself today. Take a walk in the woods or meditate. Ask Mother Earth or the Faun to help you open up and reconnect with yourself and the universe. Focus on the picture and imagine this energy running through you as freely as a Faun. Play with it. Dance with it. Be free with it.

*This week’s deck is the Faeries Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica Macbeth (affiliate link).

Ta'Om The Poet - The Faeries Oracle

TA-OM THE POET: The Faeries Oracle by Brian Froud and Jessica Macbeth

Daily Divination - Sunday, April 18th 2021


Here we have a creature of “clear sight, poetry, erotic energy, laughter, and not getting into serious mischief.” He reminds me of the Fool Card, with new energy ready to move forward. His demeanor is more serious, however, as he not only looks to the bright side of things but understands the beauty of joy and sorrow, ease and hardships, pain and pleasure. But according to the description, he also takes the time to laugh at these things as well, as life shouldn’t be taken so seriously and laughter is always a good cure.

I feel this card is beckoning us to be free to feel and just be ourselves. Immerse yourself with what you love and let yourself feel the feels. Read poetry or immerse yourself in art.

Do not be ashamed of your shadow self either. Acknowledge this side and accept it, love it, and thank it for all the wisdom it has given you. Allow this acceptance of one’s self to help facilitate a new beginning instead of allowing it to hold you back. Let go and be free.

*This week’s deck is the Faeries Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica Macbeth (affiliate link).

The Laume - The Faeries Oracle

THE LAUME: The Faeries Oracle by Brian Froud and Jessica Macbeth

Daily Divination - Saturday, April 17th 2021


The Laume is sitting quietly in her contemplation. She seems tired with her wings tattered. She is allowing the Universe to flow in order to receive the healing and time she needs. By definition, she is a charitable soul and perhaps has given too much of her generosity that her wings have become tattered and she is tired. Mother Earth is happy though and allowing her to receive nourishment and rest she needs. Her crown of flowers is glowing as the Universe feeds energy into her crown chakra.

Take the time to be grateful. Practicing gratitude, especially first thing in the morning, sets the premise for the whole day. When you practice gratitude, you have more positive emotions and a greater appreciation of life. Be thankful for the air we breathe, the food we eat, for the sun and the stars, for the trees and the grass. It will help to nourish and heal you. Also, give generously throughout the day.

The Universe likes to keep its accounts up to date, and the Laume’s job is “to encourage us to keep the credit side of our cosmic accounts balanced by freely giving.” After all, we’ve been given so much with the air we breathe and the food we have been given.

*This week’s deck is the Faeries Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica Macbeth (affiliate link).

Friday - Nelys the Alchemist - The Faeries Oracle

NELYS THE ALCHEMIST: The Faeries Oracle by Brian Froud and Jessica Macbeth

Daily Divination - Friday, August 9, 2019


“In Faery - and sometimes our world - alchemy is the study and practice of transforming the soul from the lead of primitive conditioned reactions to the gold of spiritual and practical attainment.”

Nelys is mistress of the alchemical arts. When Nelys turns up, be ready for things to happen, inwardly and outwardly. The stuck becomes unstuck; the blocked begins to move. Expect the unexpected.

Some things may not have been in your plans, but it was just what you needed. “Faeries hide what you want and reveal what you need.”

*This week’s deck is the Faeries Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica Macbeth (affiliate link).

Thursday - The Faery Godmother- The Faeries Oracle

THE FAERY GODMOTHER: The Faeries Oracle by Brian Froud and Jessica Macbeth

Daily Divination - Thursday, August 8, 2019


Sairie is this fairies name. She turns up to help change the mood and offer a little bit of her fairy dust.

Good things may well be happening that we don’t think we deserve or have asked for.

Keep an eye out for “unexpected good fortune, especially when you thought you had bad luck coming your way.” Also, remember to say thank you by passing a kindness on to another, spreading your own kind of fairy dust onto the world.

*This week’s deck is the Faeries Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica Macbeth (affiliate link).

Wednesday - Penelope Dreamweaver- The Faeries Oracle

PENELOPE DREAMWEAVER: The Faeries Oracle by Brian Froud and Jessica Macbeth

Daily Divination - Wednesday, August 7, 2019


“Seek visions and inspiration. Be aware they are often subtle and require close attention. Pay special attention to unsought inspirations at this time. They have something wonderful to offer you, but it is up to you to catch them and bring them into reality.”

If something resonates with you or catches your attention, allow yourself to be drawn to it without judgment. It doesn’t have to be some mysterious symbol or some numerological sign; it can be as simple as being drawn to a tv show or even a flower.

There is a lesson to be held in this interest. Remember, everything is an aspect of the Divine.

*This week’s deck is the Faeries Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica Macbeth (affiliate link).

tuesday - Iris of the Rainbows- The Faeries Oracle

IRIS OF THE RAINBOWS: The Faeries Oracle by Brian Froud and Jessica Macbeth

Daily Divination - Tuesday, August 6, 2019


The energy is building off of each other this week. Each card holds a theme relevant to the next. This is about wellness and recognizing the rainbow that has come after the storm.

Iris tells us that “the light is breaking through our present darkness today and hope is a powerful factor in speeding up the process. Not that it won’t ever storm again, but there is brightness and beauty here. A passage through a storm is a time of potential growth.”

Ask yourself what you may still need to release today. Continue on your journey, knowing all happens for a reason and never lose hope.

*This week’s deck is the Faeries Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica Macbeth (affiliate link).

Monday - The Faun- The Faeries Oracle

THE FAUN: The Faeries Oracle by Brian Froud and Jessica Macbeth

Daily Divination - Monday, August 5, 2019


The theme for this week seems to be allowing things to flow and coming back to our true nature.

The more we are true to our own nature, the more we have access to our own magic. When we get caught up in believing limitations imposed by ourselves or our culture, we inhibit the flow of energy.

Limited thoughts are simply just that, thoughts. They can be easily changed by making the choice to choose thoughts meant for your highest good. Opening up can require a great deal of reflection and self-observation, but it is not impossible.

Make a commitment to do something better for yourself today. Take a walk in the woods or meditate. Ask Mother Earth or the Faun to help you open up and reconnect with yourself and the universe. Focus on the picture and imagine this energy running through you as freely as a Faun. Play with it. Dance with it. Be free with it.

*This week’s deck is the Faeries Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica Macbeth (affiliate link).

sunday - Ta'Om The Poet - The Faeries Oracle

TA-OM THE POET: The Faeries Oracle by Brian Froud and Jessica Macbeth

Daily Divination - Sunday, August 4, 2019


Here we have a creature of “clear sight, poetry, erotic energy, laughter, and not getting into serious mischief.” He reminds me of the Fool Card, with new energy ready to move forward. His demeanor is more serious, however, as he not only looks to the bright side of things but understands the beauty of joy and sorrow, ease and hardships, pain and pleasure. But according to the description, he also takes the time to laugh at these things as well, as life shouldn’t be taken so seriously and laughter is always a good cure.

I feel this card is beckoning us to be free to feel and just be ourselves. Immerse yourself with what you love and let yourself feel the feels. Read poetry or immerse yourself in art.

Do not be ashamed of your shadow self either. Acknowledge this side and accept it, love it, and thank it for all the wisdom it has given you. Allow this acceptance of one’s self to help facilitate a new beginning instead of allowing it to hold you back. Let go and be free.

*This week’s deck is the Faeries Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica Macbeth (affiliate link).

Saturday - The Laume - The Faeries Oracle

THE LAUME: The Faeries Oracle by Brian Froud and Jessica Macbeth

Daily Divination - Saturday, August 3, 2019


The Laume is sitting quietly in her contemplation. She seems tired with her wings tattered. She is allowing the Universe to flow in order to receive the healing and time she needs. By definition, she is a charitable soul and perhaps has given too much of her generosity that her wings have become tattered and she is tired. Mother Earth is happy though and allowing her to receive nourishment and rest she needs. Her crown of flowers is glowing as the Universe feeds energy into her crown chakra.

Take the time to be grateful. Practicing gratitude, especially first thing in the morning, sets the premise for the whole day. When you practice gratitude, you have more positive emotions and a greater appreciation of life. Be thankful for the air we breathe, the food we eat, for the sun and the stars, for the trees and the grass. It will help to nourish and heal you. Also, give generously throughout the day.

The Universe likes to keep its accounts up to date, and the Laume’s job is “to encourage us to keep the credit side of our cosmic accounts balanced by freely giving.” After all, we’ve been given so much with the air we breathe and the food we have been given.

*This week’s deck is the Faeries Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica Macbeth (affiliate link).