True Love - The Quantum Oracle

TRUE LOVE: The Quantum Oracle by Sandra Anne Taylor, connections

Daily Divination - Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Real Connections

At its base level, for some, this indicates a new love, friend or business connection - one that admires you for who you are. BUT really, this card holds a more profound message about yourself.

“The world is a reflection of how you view and care for yourself. The higher your regard for yourself, the greater your ability to manifest your deepest desires. Open your heart to the unlimited value you bring to the world, and know that your soul applauds you for your choice of genuine self-love.”

Your energy will attract the same energy into your life. So, if your self-talk is filled with doubts, fears, negativity toward your intelligence, skills, talents, looks or body, you certainly are NOT going to attract people into your life who think highly of you. LOVE BEGINS WITH YOU!

AFFIRMATION: “I love and care for myself more and more each day. I attract loving people because I engage in self-loving energy.”

*This week’s deck is The Quantum Oracle by Sandra Anne Taylor (affiliate link).