Archangel Raphael

SUNLIGHT - Archangel Raphael Healing Oracle Cards


Daily Divination - Saturday, June 16, 2021

“Dear Archangel Raphael, please help me enjoy the benefits of sunshine in safe and healthy ways.”

Do you need more vitamin D? If you are feeling depleted or down, know that the sun has this natural curative effect. So go outside and receive the love, light, and healing that the sun has to offer.

8 ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL RX - The Akashic Tarot


So what happened? Are you experiencing difficulties, raw emotion, a physical or emotional struggle? Why are you resisting healing?

Do your best today to get quiet and receive the healing love and light from the angels, especially from Archangel Raphael. He longs to bring his light and love to your life. Open your heart, ask for help, and let him in.

When you do, you may find your miracle awaits!!

*This week’s deck is the Akashic Tarot by Sharon Anne Klingler & Sandra Anne Taylor.

Need Help Hearing your Soul’s Voice? Check out how Laurie Elle can help you.

Cat - Archangel Animal Oracle

Daily Divination - July 25, 2022

Be relaxed and independent.

"Domestic Cats watch over and protect the homes where they live, while big cats are watchers and protectors of the planet. They are all healers."

Cats always seem to be calm, relaxed, and mindful. The perfect meditators! This lets them hear clear messages from Spirit and when they show up in your life, its a reminder that "everything you need to know is already within you" - relax, listen for Spirit's guidance, follow your intuition and be centered and calm like our furry friends the cats."

One more note about Cats, they are very independent - and this goes with today's message - seek your answers from within, don't go looking for others to solve your courageous and independent like the Lion!

*This week’s deck is the Archangel Animal Oracle by Diana Cooper (affiliate link).

Raphael: Communion - Angels of Atlantis Oracle

Daily Divination - Monday, April 11, 2022

RAPHAEL - Communion

Take a moment first and feel into the healing emerald ray from Archangel Raphael.

Where is communion within your life? Where do you feel a connection - to people, to a place, to yourself, to the divine?

Communion is a vital force that fuels our lives, nourishes our souls, and enables us to grow and expand. “Know that Source is within you, ever-present and all-wise, wishing you to reveal the joy of your life in your heart, which possesses true insight.” We are all one - there is a oneness deep in your heart, deep in your soul, longing to be discovered.

When you are feeling disconnected, “chant Om three times to align with the communion of the Holy Angels, and Raphael will show you the way.”

*This week’s deck is the Angels of Atlantis Oracle by Stewart Pearce (affiliate link).

SEVEN of RAPHAEL - Archangel Power Tarot

Daily Divination - Wednesday, March 02, 2022


It is time to make a decision. Be clear about what you want and take Action.

“You may feel the situation is too complicated, but further research will reveal the right course of action. Intuition provides useful guidance on how to sort through all the possible choices. Listen to your inner voice!

A note of caution, be sure that your choice is based in reality and not illusion. Get grounded, get quiet, and see the situation through the eyes of love. Then ask again what the best decision is. Your heart will speak the truth.”

*This week’s deck is the Archangel Power Tarot by Raleigh Valentine (affiliate link).

ACE OF RAPHAEL - Archangel Power Tarot

Daily Divination - Tuesday, March 01, 2022


This card signifies a positive, new emotional experience is upon you.

It also points to fulfilling and joyful romantic or friendly relationships.

Be open to whatever new and exciting "beginnings" enter your life today. 

This week’s deck is the Archangel Power Tarot by Raleigh Valentine (affiliate link).

Raphael: Communion - Angels of Atlantis Oracle

RAPHAEL: COMMUNION - Angels of Atlantis Oracle by Stewart Pearce

Daily Divination - Friday, May 28th, 2021

RAPHAEL - Communion

Take a moment first and feel into the healing emerald ray from Archangel Raphael.

Where is communion within your life? Where do you feel a connection - to people, to a place, to yourself, to the divine?

Communion is a vital force that fuels our lives, nourishes our souls and enables us to grow and expand. “Know that Source is within you, ever-present and all-wise, wishing you to reveal the joy of your life in your heart, which possesses true insight.” We are all one - there is a oneness deep in your heart, deep in your soul, longing to be discovered.

When you are feeling disconnected, “chant Om three times to align with the communion of the holy Angels, and Raphael will show you the way.”

*This week’s deck is the Angels of Atlantis Oracle by Stewart Pearce (affiliate link).

ACE OF RAPHAEL - Archangel Power Tarot

ACE OF RAPHAEL: Archangel Power Tarot

Daily Divination - Friday, April 09th, 2021


This card signifies a positive, new emotional experience is upon you. It also points to fulfilling and joyful romantic or friendly relationships. Be open to whatever new and exciting "beginnings" enter your life today. 

This week’s deck is the Archangel Power Tarot by Raleigh Valentine (affiliate link).

SEVEN of RAPHAEL - Archangel Power Tarot

SEVEN OF RAPHAEL: Archangel Power Tarot by Raleigh Valentine

Daily Divination - Sunday, March 07, 2021


It is time to make a decision. Be clear about what you want and take Action.

“You may feel the situation is too complicated, but further research will reveal the right course of action. Intuition provides useful guidance on how to sort through all the possible choices. Listen to your inner voice!

A note of caution, be sure that your choice is based in reality and not illusion. Get grounded, get quiet, and see the situation through the eyes of love. Then ask again what the best decision is. Your heart will speak the truth.”

*This week’s deck is the Archangel Power Tarot by Raleigh Valentine (affiliate link).

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STRETCH - Friday, January 22, 2021 - Archangel Raphael Healing Oracle Cards

STRETCH- Archangel Raphael Healing Oracle


Daily Divination - January 22, 2021

“Dear Archangel Raphael, thank you for staying by my side and motivating me to take excellent care of myself in all ways.”

“Archangel Raphael is guiding you to stretch your body in gentle, feel-good postures such as yoga or pilates. These and other stretching methods are wonderful for stress management and relaxation, as well as for increasing your range of motions and limberness. Many people believe that yoga is a fountain of youth.

AA Raphael wants you to understand that stretching will help your health in ways you haven’t previously considered, so find a gentle program that will work for you.”

This card is also symbolic - as in to STRETCH your hands across the “isle” and connect with others, perhaps those that you may not see eye to eye with…and offer a positive connection and spread some love!

*This week’s deck is the Archangel Raphael Healing Oracle Cards (affiliate link).

Daily Divination - Thursday, January 21, 2021 - Archangel Raphael Healing Oracle Cards

ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE - Archangel Raphael Healing Oracle


Daily Divination - January 21, 2021

“Dear Archangel Raphael, thank you for guiding me to the ideal healing treatment modality, and for giving me clear signs and messages to validate the best path for my well-being.”

Okay, it’s time to look at adding alternative / holistic options to your or your loved one’s treatment plan for any health concern.

Archangel Raphael will guide your search...
ask and pray for help and it will be delivered.

*This week’s deck is the Archangel Raphael Healing Oracle Cards (affiliate link).

Increased Energy - Wednesday, January 20, 2021 - Archangel Raphael Healing Oracle Cards


Daily Divination - January 20, 2021

“Dear Archangel Raphael, thank you for filling me with the unlimited energy of Divine love and light.”

Good news!

This card indicates a shift in your or a loved one’s energy based on positive changes and adjustments that are being made.

USING YOUR NATURAL HEALING ABILITIES - Tuesday, January 19, 2021 - Archangel Raphael Healing Oracle Cards


Daily Divination: Tuesday, January 19, 2021

“Dear Archangel Raphael, thank you for clearly guiding, encouraging, and supporting my healing work.”

“This card is Archangel Raphael's way of urging you to work with your own energy, spirit, and thoughts to effect healing. Your strong desire for renewal and restoration is a powerful remedy and treatment.

Raphael: Communion - Angels of Atlantis Oracle

RAPHAEL: COMMUNION - Angels of Atlantis Oracle by Stewart Pearce

Daily Divination - Saturday, November 28, 2020

RAPHAEL - Communion

Take a moment first and feel into the healing emerald ray from Archangel Raphael.

Where is communion within your life? Where do you feel a connection - to people, to a place, to yourself, to the divine?

Communion is a vital force that fuels our lives, nourishes our souls, and enables us to grow and expand. “Know that Source is within you, ever-present and all-wise, wishing you to reveal the joy of your life in your heart, which possesses true insight.” We are all one - there is a oneness deep in your heart, deep in your soul, longing to be discovered.

When you are feeling disconnected, “chant Om three times to align with the communion of the Holy Angels, and Raphael will show you the way.”

*This week’s deck is the Angels of Atlantis Oracle by Stewart Pearce (affiliate link).

Grey Squirrel - Archangel Animal Oracle

GREY SQUIRREL: Archangel Animal Oracle, Diana Cooper, Archangel Raphael

Daily Divination - Monday, February 17, 2020

Find new ways of solving problems.
Archangel Raphael

The squirrel is here to help you see life through a new lens, a new perspective. Whatever you are struggling with, perhaps pausing and considering other perspectives will help you find the middle way or end a tug of war.

Squirrels run fast and fly high... They gather what they need from the ground, and they enjoy the fruits of their labor high above the branches of the trees.

Be like the squirrel, see where you are now and allow yourself to go to higher ground and see your situation through the eyes of Spirit, love, and compassion.

*This week’s deck is the Archangel Animal Oracle by Diana Cooper (affiliate link).

Cat - Archangel Animal Oracle

CAT: Archangel Animal Oracle, Diana Cooper, relax, independence, Archangel Raphael

Daily Divination - Thursday, February 13, 2020

Be relaxed and independent.

"Domestic Cats watch over and protect the homes where they live, while big cats are watchers and protectors of the planet. They are all healers."

Cats always seem to be calm, relaxed, and mindful. The perfect meditators! This lets them hear clear messages from Spirit and when they show up in your life, its a reminder that "everything you need to know is already within you" - relax, listen for Spirit's guidance, follow your intuition and be centered and calm like our furry friends the cats."

One more note about Cats, they are very independent - and this goes with today's message - seek your answers from within, don't go looking for others to solve your courageous and independent like the Lion!

*This week’s deck is the Archangel Animal Oracle by Diana Cooper (affiliate link).

Raphael: Communion - Angels of Atlantis Oracle

RAPHAEL: COMMUNION - Angels of Atlantis Oracle by Stewart Pearce

Daily Divination - Friday, November 22, 2019

RAPHAEL - Communion

Take a moment first and feel into the healing emerald ray from Archangel Raphael.

Where is communion within your life? Where do you feel a connection - to people, to a place, to yourself, to the divine?

Communion is a vital force that fuels our lives, nourishes our souls and enables us to grow and expand. “Know that Source is within you, ever-present and all-wise, wishing you to reveal the joy of your life in your heart, which possesses true insight.” We are all one - there is a oneness deep in your heart, deep in your soul, longing to be discovered.

When you are feeling disconnected, “chant Om three times to align with the communion of the holy Angels, and Raphael will show you the way.”

*This week’s deck is the Angels of Atlantis Oracle by Stewart Pearce (affiliate link).

Daily Divination - Friday, July 5, 2019

ACE OF RAPHAEL: Archangel Power Tarot


This card signifies a positive, new emotional experience is upon you. It also points to fulfilling and joyful romantic or friendly relationships. Be open to whatever new and exciting "beginnings" enter your life today. 

This week’s deck is the Archangel Power Tarot by Raleigh Valentine (affiliate link).