grey squirrel

Grey Squirrel - Archangel Animal Oracle

GREY SQUIRREL: Archangel Animal Oracle, Diana Cooper, Archangel Raphael

Daily Divination - Monday, February 17, 2020

Find new ways of solving problems.
Archangel Raphael

The squirrel is here to help you see life through a new lens, a new perspective. Whatever you are struggling with, perhaps pausing and considering other perspectives will help you find the middle way or end a tug of war.

Squirrels run fast and fly high... They gather what they need from the ground, and they enjoy the fruits of their labor high above the branches of the trees.

Be like the squirrel, see where you are now and allow yourself to go to higher ground and see your situation through the eyes of Spirit, love, and compassion.

*This week’s deck is the Archangel Animal Oracle by Diana Cooper (affiliate link).