Consciousness of Lack

A Consciousness of Lack - The Quantum Oracle

CONSCIOUSNESS OF LACK: The Quantum Oracle by Sandra Anne Taylor, Something Missing

Daily Divination - Monday, July 13, 2020

Something Missing

It is difficult to keep your chin up and sing a happy tune when you may be lonely or struggling financially… not to mention all the chaos and uncertainty we are all facing now.

However, this card “demands that you shift out of the lack consciousness now, even if you feel something is missing in your life. Your fear only restricts you further.”

You have heard it all before, but the energy flows where your focus goes. So do you want to keep dwelling on the stress and thinking about all you think you are missing… OR do you want to look around at what you do have, and open your heart to the possibilities? The more beauty and abundance we can recognize in our hearts and all around, the easier it will be for more to flow to us.

*This week’s deck is The Quantum Oracle by Sandra Anne Taylor (affiliate link).