Grant Virtue

Successful Funding - Angels of Abundance Oracle

Daily Divination - Thursday, January 13, 2022


Do you have an amazing idea or business concept, but you have NO WAY to financially support it? Where could you ever get the money to pull something like that off?

“This card is a sign to let you know that your idea is Divinely guided and supported by the same infinite wisdom of the Universe that gave you the idea in the first place. Do not allow money concerns to prevent you from turning it into reality. Crowd-funding, partnerships, and other investments are available to help you.”

Go for it! Where there is a will, there is a way.

*This week’s deck is the Angels of Abundance Oracle by Doreen Virtue & Grant Virtue (affiliate link).

Do the Work - Angels of Abundance Oracle

Daily Divination - Saturday, January 08, 2022


This card is a loving reminder that it is not enough to just ask for, wish for, visualize, or even set intentions to receive what your heart is desiring. Whether you are wanting to receive money, a physical accomplishment, or even moving forward on your spiritual must do the work!

Doing the day to day tasks, the ones that may not always be so glamorous, are what will help you reach your desired goals, so...

Get Chopping!

"Consistently working on your priorities will make them flourish like a lush flower garden. Today, take one action step in the direction of your inner guidance. Then take another action tomorrow, and another the next day, and you'll soon manifest support in ways that exceed your dreams."

*This week’s deck is the Angels of Abundance Oracle by Doreen Virtue & Grant Virtue (affiliate link).

Let Go of Guilt - Angels of Abundance Oracle

LET GO OF GUILT: Angels of Abundance Oracle by Doreen Virtue & Grant Virtue

Daily Divination - Friday, October 25, 2019


Where do your beliefs about money come from? When you see this card, it is likely you are carrying the energy of false and limiting beliefs about MONEY! You DO DESERVE to have money; you DO DESERVE to earn money doing something you love, and making money DOES NOT have to be difficult.

Sometimes we think we've made too many mistakes to have what we want.


"When you allow your light to shine brightly, you inspire others. Forgive yourself for what you think you've done or not done and trust that God loves you unconditionally for who you are. Learn and grow from past mistakes instead of berating yourself for them.

Also, when you receive, it does not take away from someone else. In fact, the more you open yourself up to receive, the more resources you have available to help others. Abundance allows you to purchase supplies to fulfill your life purpose, provide a safe home for yourself and your loved ones, and to give to others…"

*This week’s deck is the Angels of Abundance Oracle by Doreen Virtue & Grant Virtue (affiliate link).

Successful Funding - Angels of Abundance Oracle

SUCCESSFUL FUNDING: Angels of Abundance Oracle by Doreen Virtue & Grant Virtue

Daily Divination - Thursday, October 24, 2019


Do you have an amazing idea or business concept, but you have NO WAY to financially support it? Where could you ever get the money to pull something like that off?

“This card is a sign to let you know that your idea is Divinely guided and supported by the same infinite wisdom of the Universe that gave you the idea in the first place. Do not allow money concerns to prevent you from turning it into reality. Crowd-funding, partnerships, and other investments are available to help you.”

Go for it! Where there is a will, there is a way.

*This week’s deck is the Angels of Abundance Oracle by Doreen Virtue & Grant Virtue (affiliate link).

Visualize Abundance - Angels of Abundance Oracle

VISUALIZE ABUNDANCE IN ALL FORMS: Angels of Abundance Oracle by Doreen Virtue & Grant Virtue

Daily Divination - Wednesday, October 23, 2019


Have you ever heard of a vision board?

The purpose of a vision board is to help you co-create, with the power of the universe, all you'd like to experience in your life. Visualizing something in your mind's eye and then supporting it with an actual picture or an image of what you'd like to create can help bring that which was once a thought into your reality.

So, whatever it is that you're wanting more of or hoping to create in your life, get very clear on what it is that you want or would like to receive, assuming that it is for your highest and best good. Then spend time visualizing each day and support those visualizations with a board that will help bring those thought-forms into reality.

"Hold a steady vision of that which is beautiful, healthful, positive, and filled with blessings...and that is what you will experience."

*This week’s deck is the Angels of Abundance Oracle by Doreen Virtue & Grant Virtue (affiliate link).

Partnership - Angels of Abundance Oracle

PARTNERSHIP: Angels of Abundance Oracle by Doreen Virtue & Grant Virtue

Daily Divination - Tuesday, October 22, 2019


When you read the word "Partnership," what is the first person or situation that came to mind? That is who or what the card is referring to.

If you feel good about this current or potential partnership, be it a romantic relationship or a business one, then go with it...know that this is a sign to keep expanding your opportunities together in positive ways.

However, if your feelings about this "partnership" are troubling...TRUST YOURSELF. Know that this is your sign to take a "relationship inventory." Where are you not being honest with yourself in your personal relationships or your business situation?

Trust that the universe is guiding you to the right people to support the fruition of your Divine Life purpose or is gently helping you take steps to move away from those who are not contributing to your highest and best good.

*This week’s deck is the Angels of Abundance Oracle by Doreen Virtue & Grant Virtue (affiliate link).

Power of Prayer - Angels of Abundance Oracle

POWER OF PRAYER: Angels of Abundance Oracle by Doreen Virtue & Grant Virtue

Daily Divination - Monday, October 21, 2019


Worry will not get you any closer to solving your problem. It actually creates energy for you to receive more of what you do want. Instead, find a way to surrender. Go to a church, a spiritual place, the beach, or even your own room...and allow yourself to turn over your worries to the Universe. Remember, if the infinite power of the Divine can keep our planet spinning around a ball of fire in an endless universe, I'm certain you can surrender whatever it is you're worried about over to God/Source/Creator/Spirit and let that omnipotent power take it from there!

"This card usually appears when you've been worrying and trying to figure out "how" your situation will be resolved. The Angels are guiding you to replace worry with prayer. It doesn't matter how you pray for what words you use, but only that you do pray sincerely from your heart.

There's no such thing as an unanswered prayer. Although we may not receive the specific response we're hoping for, it is reassuring to remember that we always received the ones we need."

*This week’s deck is the Angels of Abundance Oracle by Doreen Virtue & Grant Virtue (affiliate link).

Attracting Not Chasing - Angels of Abundance Oracle

ATTRACTING NOT CHASING: Angels of Abundance Oracle by Doreen Virtue & Grant Virtue

Daily Divination - Sunday, October 20, 2019


What is it that you are wanting so badly that you're willing to chase after it?

Do you recognize that when you chase someone or something, it is highly probable that they/it will keep running in the opposite direction? It's human nature, right?! Chasing something also carries counterproductive energy that keeps what you are wanting just out of reach.

Instead, ask yourself, how can I get myself in a position to receive what is already mine? What the Universe already has waiting for me? I just need to make space for it to reach me.

"The Angels of Abundance remind you that whatever you run after runs the other way. The underlying fears that compel chasing behavior are the very same ones that result in lack and disappointment.

Instead of chasing, attracting can bring your desires to fruition. Attraction happens when you speak positively and hold positive thoughts and visions about your manifestations. You "love" them into reality! Every day, send gratitude and love to whatever you're dreaming about. Welcome it into your life."

*This week’s deck is the Angels of Abundance Oracle by Doreen Virtue & Grant Virtue (affiliate link).

Do the Work - Angels of Abundance Oracle

DO THE WORK: Angels of Abundance Oracle by Doreen Virtue & Grant Virtue

Daily Divination - Saturday, October 19, 2019


This card is a loving reminder that it is not enough to just ask for, wish for, visualize, or even set intentions to receive what your heart is desiring. Whether you are wanting to receive money, a physical accomplishment, or even moving forward on your spiritual must do the work!

Doing the day to day tasks, the ones that may not always be so glamorous, are what will help you reach your desired goals, so...

Get Chopping!

"Consistently working on your priorities will make them flourish like a lush flower garden. Today, take one action step in the direction of your inner guidance. Then take another action tomorrow, and another the next day, and you'll soon manifest support in ways that exceed your dreams."

*This week’s deck is the Angels of Abundance Oracle by Doreen Virtue & Grant Virtue (affiliate link).