attracting not chasing

Attracting Not Chasing - Angels of Abundance Oracle

ATTRACTING NOT CHASING: Angels of Abundance Oracle by Doreen Virtue & Grant Virtue

Daily Divination - Sunday, October 20, 2019


What is it that you are wanting so badly that you're willing to chase after it?

Do you recognize that when you chase someone or something, it is highly probable that they/it will keep running in the opposite direction? It's human nature, right?! Chasing something also carries counterproductive energy that keeps what you are wanting just out of reach.

Instead, ask yourself, how can I get myself in a position to receive what is already mine? What the Universe already has waiting for me? I just need to make space for it to reach me.

"The Angels of Abundance remind you that whatever you run after runs the other way. The underlying fears that compel chasing behavior are the very same ones that result in lack and disappointment.

Instead of chasing, attracting can bring your desires to fruition. Attraction happens when you speak positively and hold positive thoughts and visions about your manifestations. You "love" them into reality! Every day, send gratitude and love to whatever you're dreaming about. Welcome it into your life."

*This week’s deck is the Angels of Abundance Oracle by Doreen Virtue & Grant Virtue (affiliate link).