Earth - Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle

Daily Divination - July 24, 2022


Even though we are made of stardust, we are also made of Earth.

“Beyond the four elements that make up our physical and material world (earth, water, fire, and air), we have to consider a fifth element - spirit- to bridge heaven and Earth through an expansion of consciousness and advance humankind to the next evolutionary level. As a representation of our conscious connection between Earth and Source, we only have to retreat into nature and find the silence within- to listen to all the majestic expressions Mother Earth reveals through the winds in the trees, the humming of the bees, and the rhythmic chirping of crickets during the wee hours of the night.”

The Earth gives us so much as well. She is our mother. Go outside and put your feet in the grass and connect. Thank her for her many blessings, and promise that you will do your best to protect and take care of her.

*This week’s deck is the Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle by LON (affiliate link).

Divine Masculine - Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle

Daily Divination - July 23, 2022


“When the push and pull of opposites are equal, a state of balance is achieved. For humans to live harmoniously with each other, the masculine and the feminine have to reach a state of union- both outward (in relation to each other) as well as inward (in a balanced state of heart, mind, and soul). The masculine and feminine attributes inside all of us have to be fully realized, understood, and expressed.”

Take time to meditate with this card in mind. Is your masculine energy low? Is it high? Do you need more feminine energy to balance it out? Explore your divine masculine and see what it is telling you.

*This week’s deck is the Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle by LON (affiliate link).

Passion - Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle

Daily Divination - July 22, 2022

“We long for an emotion that is so strong that all we can do is surrender to its power. At the same time, we fear this kind of emotion because we are afraid of losing ourselves - our sense of who we are - in the eye of the passion’s storm within us. But there is clarity and insight to be found in this storm once we have withstood the heat of the fire and have held our balance in the midst of the blazing inferno. Only then can we move to center and find the insight of passion’s core.”

“Make time for daily contemplation to check in with yourself and your passions.”

*This week’s deck is the Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle by LON (affiliate link).

Coherence - Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle

Daily Divination - July 21, 2022


“Whether we are functioning as an individual, a community, or a group, the new energy is asking us to find balance between our thinking and our feelings. We can no longer rely solely on our analytical mind, nor can we just have our feelings guide the way. Every part of us has to come together in a harmonious, coherent state of being. Only then can we navigate these new energies to become multidimensional human beings that are in control of their reality.”

*This week’s deck is the Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle by LON (affiliate link).

Healing - Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle

Daily Divination - July 20, 2022


It is time to work on making you whole. This requires balancing our many aspects. “Our physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional bodies have to work together, and this requires clear communication and awareness of all the information that our sensory system is providing us.”

It is time to evaluate your lifestyle and check-in with yourself. Are you happy with where you are? How is your health doing? Have you been making investments in your spiritual health?

This is why joining a community like “Our Sight Your Light” is so valuable. They provide support and guidance to help heal and balance all aspects of one’s self in order to feel whole. Take time to really work on yourself and your needs.

*This week’s deck is the Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle by LON (affiliate link).

Soul Time- Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle

Daily Divination - July 19, 2022


“Close your eyes and contemplate for a moment your infinity as a soul. What is your soul’s curriculum? What circumstances and experiences have you created for yourself so you can evolve toward your highest expression? Are you including the messages that come to you through dreams and your intuition? Keep a dream journal, so you don’t miss a thing!”

It may be a good time to explore your past lives and see if you still carry trauma into this lifetime due to your previous lives. You may want to get an Akashic record reading or a clearing done by one of our soulful practitioners.

*This week’s deck is the Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle by LON (affiliate link).

Coherence - Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle

Daily Divination - Friday, September 24, 2021


“Whether we are functioning as an individual, a community, or a group, the new energy is asking us to find balance between our thinking and our feelings. We can no longer rely solely on our analytical mind, nor can we just have our feelings guide the way. Every part of us has to come together in a harmonious, coherent state of being. Only then can we navigate these new energies to become multidimensional human beings that are in control of their reality.”

*This week’s deck is the Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle by LON (affiliate link).

Passion - Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle

Daily Divination - Thursday, September 23, 2021


“We long for an emotion that is so strong that all we can do is surrender to its power. At the same time, we fear this kind of emotion because we are afraid of losing ourselves - our sense of who we are - in the eye of the passion’s storm within us. But there is clarity and insight to be found in this storm once we have withstood the heat of the fire and have held our balance in the midst of the blazing inferno. Only then can we move to center and find the insight of passion’s core.”

“Make time for daily contemplation to check in with yourself and your passions.”

*This week’s deck is the Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle by LON (affiliate link).

Divine Masculine - Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle

Daily Divination - Wednesday, September 22, 2021


“When the push and pull of opposites are equal, a state of balance is achieved. For humans to live harmoniously with each other, the masculine and the feminine have to reach a state of union- both outward (in relation to each other) as well as inward (in a balanced state of heart, mind, and soul). The masculine and feminine attributes inside all of us have to be fully realized, understood, and expressed.”

Take time to meditate with this card in mind. Is your masculine energy low? Is it high? Do you need more feminine energy to balance it out? Explore your divine masculine and see what it is telling you.

*This week’s deck is the Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle by LON (affiliate link).

Earth - Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle

Daily Divination - Tuesday, September 21, 2021


Even though we are made of stardust, we are also made of Earth.

“Beyond the four elements that make up our physical and material world (earth, water, fire, and air), we have to consider a fifth element - spirit- to bridge heaven and Earth through an expansion of consciousness and advance humankind to the next evolutionary level. As a representation of our conscious connection between Earth and Source, we only have to retreat into nature and find the silence within- to listen to all the majestic expressions Mother Earth reveals through the winds in the trees, the humming of the bees, and the rhythmic chirping of crickets during the wee hours of the night.”

The Earth gives us so much as well. She is our mother. Go outside and put your feet in the grass and connect. Thank her for her many blessings, and promise that you will do your best to protect and take care of her.

*This week’s deck is the Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle by LON (affiliate link).

Soul Time- Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle

Daily Divination - Monday, September 20, 2021


“Close your eyes and contemplate for a moment your infinity as a soul. What is your soul’s curriculum? What circumstances and experiences have you created for yourself so you can evolve toward your highest expression? Are you including the messages that come to you through dreams and your intuition? Keep a dream journal, so you don’t miss a thing!”

It may be a good time to explore your past lives and see if you still carry trauma into this lifetime due to your previous lives. You may want to get an Akashic record reading or a clearing done by one of our soulful practitioners.

*This week’s deck is the Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle by LON (affiliate link).

Discernment - Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle

Daily Divination - Sunday, September 19, 2021


“Discernment can be described as the ability to perceive or judge well. Now that we are moving into a multi-dimensional reality, we are invited to see polarity and duality with new eyes. Living in multidimensionality is about experiencing polarity with discernment, being in balance with it, and moving in harmony with it. Discernment has to do with our inner guide-the higher part of us that is closely connected to Source and can look at things from a perspective of wisdom, maturity, experience, integrity, compassion, and purpose. It is about being in witness mode: being aware without attachment to outcome or direction.”

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*This week’s deck is the Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle by LON (affiliate link).

Healing - Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle

Daily Divination - Saturday, September 18, 2021


It is time to work on making you whole. This requires balancing our many aspects. “Our physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional bodies have to work together, and this requires clear communication and awareness of all the information that our sensory system is providing us.”

It is time to evaluate your lifestyle and check-in with yourself. Are you happy with where you are? How is your health doing? Have you been making investments in your spiritual health?

This is why joining a community like “Our Sight Your Light” is so valuable. They provide support and guidance to help heal and balance all aspects of one’s self in order to feel whole. Take time to really work on yourself and your needs.

*This week’s deck is the Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle by LON (affiliate link).

Coherence - Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle

COHERENCE: Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle by LON

Daily Divination - Friday, September 20, 2019


“Whether we are functioning as an individual, a community, or a group, the new energy is asking us to find balance between our thinking and our feelings. We can no longer rely solely on our analytical mind, nor can we just have our feelings guide the way. Every part of us has to come together in a harmonious, coherent state of being. Only then can we navigate these new energies to become multidimensional human beings that are in control of their reality.”

*This week’s deck is the Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle by LON (affiliate link).

Passion - Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle

PASSION: Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle by LON

Daily Divination - Thursday, September 19, 2019


“We long for an emotion that is so strong that all we can do is surrender to its power. At the same time, we fear this kind of emotion because we are afraid of losing ourselves - our sense of who we are - in the eye of the passion’s storm within us. But there is clarity and insight to be found in this storm once we have withstood the heat of the fire and have held our balance in the midst of the blazing inferno. Only then can we move to center and find the insight of passion’s core.”

“Make time for daily contemplation to check in with yourself and your passions.”

*This week’s deck is the Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle by LON (affiliate link).

Divine Masculine - Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle

DIVINE MASCULINE: Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle by LON

Daily Divination - Wednesday, September 18, 2019


“When the push and pull of opposites are equal, a state of balance is achieved. For humans to live harmoniously with each other, the masculine and the feminine have to reach a state of union- both outward (in relation to each other) as well as inward (in a balanced state of heart, mind, and soul). The masculine and feminine attributes inside all of us have to be fully realized, understood, and expressed.”

Take time to meditate with this card in mind. Is your masculine energy low? Is it high? Do you need more feminine energy to balance it out? Explore your divine masculine and see what it is telling you.

*This week’s deck is the Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle by LON (affiliate link).

Earth - Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle

EARTH: Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle by LON

Daily Divination - Tuesday, September 17, 2019


Even though we are made of stardust, we are also made of Earth.

“Beyond the four elements that make up our physical and material world (earth, water, fire, and air), we have to consider a fifth element - spirit- to bridge heaven and Earth through an expansion of consciousness and advance humankind to the next evolutionary level. As a representation of our conscious connection between Earth and Source, we only have to retreat into nature and find the silence within- to listen to all the majestic expressions Mother Earth reveals through the winds in the trees, the humming of the bees, and the rhythmic chirping of crickets during the wee hours of the night.”

The Earth gives us so much as well. She is our mother. Go outside and put your feet in the grass and connect. Thank her for her many blessings, and promise that you will do your best to protect and take care of her.

*This week’s deck is the Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle by LON (affiliate link).

Soul Time- Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle

SOUL TIME Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle by LON

Daily Divination - Monday, September 16, 2019


“Close your eyes and contemplate for a moment your infinity as a soul. What is your soul’s curriculum? What circumstances and experiences have you created for yourself so you can evolve toward your highest expression? Are you including the messages that come to you through dreams and your intuition? Keep a dream journal, so you don’t miss a thing!”

It may be a good time to explore your past lives and see if you still carry trauma into this lifetime due to your previous lives. You may want to get an Akashic record reading or a clearing done by one of our soulful practitioners.

*This week’s deck is the Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle by LON (affiliate link).

Discernment - Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle

DISCERNMENT: Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle by LON

Daily Divination - Sunday, September 15, 2019


“Discernment can be described as the ability to perceive or judge well. Now that we are moving into a multi-dimensional reality, we are invited to see polarity and duality with new eyes. Living in multidimensionality is about experiencing polarity with discernment, being in balance with it, and moving in harmony with it. Discernment has to do with our inner guide-the higher part of us that is closely connected to Source and can look at things from a perspective of wisdom, maturity, experience, integrity, compassion, and purpose. It is about being in witness mode: being aware without attachment to outcome or direction.”

*This week’s deck is the Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle by LON (affiliate link).

Healing - Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle

HEALING: Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle by LON

Daily Divination - Saturday, September 14, 2019


It is time to work on making you whole. This requires balancing our many aspects. “Our physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional bodies have to work together, and this requires clear communication and awareness of all the information that our sensory system is providing us.”

It is time to evaluate your lifestyle and check-in with yourself. Are you happy with where you are? How is your health doing? Have you been making investments in your spiritual health?

This is why joining a community like “Our Sight Your Light” is so valuable. They provide support and guidance to help heal and balance all aspects of one’s self in order to feel whole. Take time to really work on yourself and your needs.

*This week’s deck is the Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle by LON (affiliate link).