
Completion - Mystical Shaman Oracle

COMPLETION: Mystical Shaman Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid and Alberto Villoldo

Daily Divination - Thursday, November 7, 2019


Ahhh, just the title of this card makes me feel better. All that icky, gooey, messy stuff we’ve been diving deep to look at, understand, walk away from, and then rise above again like a Phoenix from the ashes...well, something from all that has ended, and whether or not it looks the way you wanted it to, it’s still a gift.

“All things have a beginning, a middle, and an end. This is the nature of life - the seed, the flower, the fruit - and of all human relationships. Completion suggests the fullness of the moment and the need to transform an old form into a new one.

You have finished a cycle, and there is no more growth or benefit from hanging onto the old. In regard to relationships, it is time to honor what has been and find a new form for the future. In your ventures, it is time to reap your harvest. Completion is a time for celebration. It is the end of summer when the fruit is ripe.”

*This week’s deck is the Mystical Shaman Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid & Alberto Villoldo(affiliate link).