
FLOW - Mystical Shaman Oracle

Daily Divination - Thursday, February 03, 2022


“The symbol of Flow represents the effortless and natural movement toward a certain destination. It signifies an ability to gracefully move around obstacles and reminds you of the sense of allowing.”

OH - that sense of ALLOWING!

This is sometimes the hardest part. We believe that in order to create we must act act act and push push push until what WE want happens. In reality, it is only important now that your intentions were clear. Now is the time to sit back and allow.

Your seeds have been planted… continue to nourish them, but rest assured that everything is in motion. Your motion should be effortless movement, flowing like a river, “knowing the fulfillment of destiny is assured.”

*This week’s deck is the Mystical Shaman Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid (affiliate link).

Water Dragon - Dragon Oracle

Daily Divination - Sunday, Octuber 31, 2021

Go with the flow.

We are facing so many challenges now, but our resistance to them is what is making things so much more difficult.

“The elemental water dragons bring you the message to flow around your challenges with loving intent.”

When we can stop trying to pound through all the obstacles in our way, and instead take a moment to go within, the solution becomes clear.

What can I learn from this obstacle or challenge? Is there an easier path I can take? Do I even still want what is on the other side of this challenge? Can I flow with ease around it… or just let it go?

Call upon the water dragons and look at the situation with love in your heart.

*This week’s deck is the Dragon Oracle Cards by Diana Cooper (affiliate link).

Flow - Sacred Destiny Oracle

Daily Divination - Thursday, July 29th, 2021


Can you feel the flow… or are you trying too hard to bend it to your will?

“When you go with the flow, your life-force expands and healing on all levels abounds. This is also the time to release old, limiting patterns, forgive, and let go of the need to be right about your beliefs. When you enter the flow with gratitude and love, you will find blessings surrounding you.”

The world has been filled with so much uncertainty… but much of the anxiety has come from us pushing so hard to get things back to the way they were. Take some time to feel into the flow, and see where it leads you… you may be surprised.

*This week’s deck is the Sacred Destiny Oracle by Denise Linn (affiliate link).

FLOW - Mystical Shaman Oracle

FLOW - Mystical Shaman Oracle, Colette Baron-Reid

Daily Divination - Tuesday, May 18th, 2021


“The symbol of Flow represents the effortless and natural movement toward a certain destination. It signifies an ability to gracefully move around obstacles and reminds you of the sense of allowing.”

OH - that sense of ALLOWING!

This is sometimes the hardest part. We believe that in order to create we must act act act and push push push until what WE want happens. In reality, it is only important now that your intentions were clear. Now is the time to sit back and allow.

Your seeds have been planted… continue to nourish them, but rest assured that everything is in motion. Your motion should be effortless movement, flowing like a river, “knowing the fulfillment of destiny is assured.”

*This week’s deck is the Mystical Shaman Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid (affiliate link).

Flow - Sacred Destiny Oracle

FLOW: Sacred Destiny Oracle by Denise Linn

Daily Divination - Thursday, September 3, 2020


Can you feel the flow… or are you trying too hard to bend it to your will?

“When you go with the flow, your life-force expands and healing on all levels abounds. This is also the time to release old, limiting patterns, forgive, and let go of the need to be right about your beliefs. When you enter the flow with gratitude and love, you will find blessings surrounding you.”

The world has been filled with so much uncertainty… but much of the anxiety has come from us pushing so hard to get things back to the way they were. Take some time to feel into the flow, and see where it leads you… you may be surprised.

*This week’s deck is the Sacred Destiny Oracle by Denise Linn (affiliate link).

Water Dragon - Dragon Oracle

WATER DRAGON: Dragon Oracle by Diana Cooper, flow

Daily Divination - Sunday, May 17, 2020

Go with the flow.

We are facing so many challenges now, but our resistance to them is what is making things so much more difficult.

“The elemental water dragons bring you the message to flow around your challenges with loving intent.”

When we can stop trying to pound through all the obstacles in our way, and instead take a moment to go within, the solution becomes clear.

What can I learn from this obstacle or challenge? Is there an easier path I can take? Do I even still want what is on the other side of this challenge? Can I flow with ease around it… or just let it go?

Call upon the water dragons and look at the situation with love in your heart.

*This week’s deck is the Dragon Oracle Cards by Diana Cooper (affiliate link).

Flow - Mystical Shaman Oracle

FLOW: Mystical Shaman Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid, Alberto Villoldo, Marcela Lobos

Daily Divination - Sunday, May 10, 2020


What does a river do? It flows with its own natural rhythm. That is what you are asked to do. Don't try to control what is happening or where you are heading, you're already moving on your path. Now is the time to surrender to what is and "go with the flow."

"When Flow comes to visit, it's a sign that your intentions have been in motion. Now is the time to allow nature to run its course; you're being called to effortless movements and the path of least resistance. It's like being within music, flowing within partnership.  You are called to be like a river, knowing the fulfillment of destiny is assured. Enjoy the ride."

*This week’s deck is the Mystical Shaman Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid, Alberto Villoldo & Marcela Lobos (affiliate link).

Daily Divination - Tuesday, March 19, 2019

FLOW - Mystical Shaman Oracle, Colette Baron-Reid


“The symbol of Flow represents the effortless and natural movement toward a certain destination. It signifies an ability to gracefully move around obstacles and reminds you of the sense of allowing.”

OH - that sense of ALLOWING!

This is sometimes the hardest part. We believe that in order to create we must act act act and push push push until what WE want happens. In reality, it is only important now that your intentions were clear. Now is the time to sit back and allow.

Your seeds have been planted… continue to nourish them, but rest assured that everything is in motion. Your motion should be effortless movement, flowing like a river, “knowing the fulfillment of destiny is assured.”

*This week’s deck is the Mystical Shaman Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid (affiliate link).