spiritual growth

Daily Divination - SPIRITUAL GROWTH


You are here and now.

Stop for a moment and consider something...

Do you want more of what you are experiencing, or would you like to see life through a new lens, one of joy and peacefulness?

If you chose the latter, then this is your call to open to new possibilities of spiritual growth and alignment. You are here reading this today for a reason. Will you see this as the calling it is, or brush it off as... ah, that stuff isn't for me?

"This card signifies that the change you're currently in the midst of (or contemplating) is part of your spiritual growth. It will bring about great blessings, even if challenges present themselves along the way. As this experience comes to a conclusion, you'll know that you are very strong indeed. In fact, this situation will push you to leave behind your comfort zone. You'll reach deep inside to a reservoir of strength you did not know you had."

*This week’s deck is the Butterfly Oracle Cards for Life Changes. (affiliate link)

Spiritual Growth - Butterfly Oracle

SPIRITUAL GROWTH: Butterfly Oracle by Doreen Virtue

Daily Divination - Tuesday, March 10, 2020


Do you feel like a butterfly emerging from a chrysalis?

Well, that is normal when you are upleveling on your path of self-actualization.

What epiphanies have you had recently? What new feelings or insights have come through for you, either in your meditation or dreams?

Whatever you are experiencing right now is very purposeful. I can't imagine it feels too good for the butterfly as it is breaking through its little cocoon...so hang in there. Your energy is rising; your Spirit is learning and growing. You got this.

"This situation will push you to leave behind your comfort zone. You'll reach deep inside to a reservoir of strength you didn't know you had. This strength is both peaceful and powerful, and it helps you to learn new life lessons, as well as let go of old pain and forgive your past."

*This week’s deck is the Butterfly Oracle by Doreen Virtue (affiliate link).

Daily Divination - Friday, June 28, 2019

SPIRITUAL GROWTH: Butterfly Oracle for Life Changes


You are here and now.

Stop for a moment and consider something...

Do you want more of what you are experiencing, or would you like to see life through a new lens, one of joy and peacefulness?

If you chose the latter, then this is your call to open to new possibilities of spiritual growth and alignment. You are here reading this today for a reason. Will you see this as the calling it is, or brush it off as... ah, that stuff isn't for me?

"This card signifies that the change you're currently in the midst of (or contemplating) is part of your spiritual growth. It will bring about great blessings, even if challenges present themselves along the way. As this experience comes to a conclusion, you'll know that you are very strong indeed. In fact, this situation will push you to leave behind your comfort zone. You'll reach deep inside to a reservoir of strength you did not know you had."

*This week’s deck is the Butterfly Oracle Cards for Life Changes. (affiliate link)