Butterfly Oracle

Daily Divination - SELF-CARE


Time to retreat for some much-needed self-care.

Just like the butterfly goes into its cocoon to prepare for what’s next on its journey, now is time for you to do the same.

Self-care takes many forms, such as rest, relaxation, energy healing, yoga, retreats, but also things like detoxing and being extra mindful of the foods you are eating.

“Take great care of yourself and you will fly high and free like a butterfly”

*This week’s deck is the Butterfly Oracle Cards for Life Changes. (affiliate link).

SEEKING and FINDING - Butterfly Oracle Cards for Life Changes

Daily Divination


“Like a butterfly flying from flower to flower, you are searching for what’s next. This card reassures you that you’ll find what you are looking for... Hold the vision of success, experience the excitement of the process, and feel fulfillment as if everything has already been accomplished.”

I love this card so much because it reminds us NOT to draw fear into our experience. What is meant for us will not pass us by.

Set the intentions, surrender them to Source, and then take reasonable action each day to move you closer to your dreams.. Just try not to get in the way of the Universe... who are we to know all the ways the Universe has planned to deliver us what is for our Highest Good??

*This week’s deck is the Butterfly Oracle Cards for Life Changes. (affiliate link).

DAILY DIVINATION: Body Changes - Butterfly Oracle

Daily Divination


Do you feel that? Metamorphosis time! We all have the green light to move forward and make some serious changes in our life…that includes our physical body.

What's happening right now? What signs is your body giving you? What direction are you being guided to move in? Whatever the message, now is the time to heed it and take action.

"This card guides you to focus on changes in your body so that you can influence it in a healthy direction. It's time to take charge of your own health and remain optimistic. After all, the butterflies show us the power of going through physical changes as they enter the Chrysalis phase… Give yourself permission to take positive and helpful action steps supportive of your physical well-being."

*This week’s deck is the Butterfly Oracle by Doreen Virtue (affiliate link).

Daily Divination - MEMORIES


This card guides you to reflect on happy memories; pictures, videos, or fun family stories will do the trick.

Focus on the beautiful and loving times and let go of any sadness or sorrow…especially if you a grieving a loss.

This has been a tremendous week of healing for many; that which is in need of healing has come up full force.

Listen to the call of your Highest Self. Surrender to the Divine love and light; it’s here for you, always.

*This week’s deck is the Butterfly Oracle Cards for Life Changes. (affiliate link).

MOTIVATION - Butterfly Oracle Cards for Life Changes

Daily Divination


“You drew this card because your motivation is changing, and what once interested you doesn’t anymore...and what does interest you seems to be distracting you from your responsibilities.”

Don’t panic...this is called heightened awareness.

You are coming into alignment with your truth, and discovering what is for your best and highest good.

You may be feeling stressed, but the good news is that you can finally see this “pattern or situation” for what it really is. Prepare to let it go or for it to evolve.

Don’t forget though, you are FIRST meant to deal with the “boredom”; not by just moving on to something else. First, try to understand WHY you are bored. What has changed in you that what you are doing or focusing on is no longer exciting or challenging to you? Don’t let another pattern take over, only to find yourself right back where you are today.

Go inward, go deep, and find out WHY, so you can move on or evolve with grace and ferver...and reclaim your motivation!

*This week’s deck is the Butterfly Oracle Cards for Life Changes. (affiliate link).

Daily Divination - LEAVING


“This card confirms what you already know; it’s time to leave a toxic situation. You’ve done your best to heal the conditions, but sometimes the circumstances become intolerable and the healthiest choice is to move on. This naturally brings up feelings of confusion and insecurity. However, rest assured that whenever you’re on the right path, which you are, everything works out for the best.

Your departure doesn't need to be sudden or drastic. Like a butterfly building a cocoon, you can plan and prepare for this transition right now. You can even make your exit gradual so that you feel comfortable and secure during this healthy change.”

I didn’t want to change the message of this card, because when I connected to channel, my guides told me to leave it as it is...so the right people who need to hear this message would find it in its entirety.

*This week’s deck is the Butterfly Oracle Cards for Life Changes. (affiliate link).

Emotions - Butterfly Oracle

Daily Divination


"You are evolving and progressing, so it's natural for you to have a different perspective now than you did before. You drew this card because your feelings are speaking to you, and it's important for you to listen. Ignored emotions only grow stronger and louder. There's something in your life that is becoming intolerable to you. You once were able to endure or even enjoy the situation, but because you have changed so to have your emotions. This card asks you to be honest with yourself, and take an inventory of how you're feeling. You don't have to resort to drastic action to resolve anything. Sometimes it's enough just to acknowledge your own feelings so that your heart feels heard and understood."

Today, you are being asked to be honest with yourself. You are NOT a bad person for evolving. However, sometimes, situations become BAD because they no longer resonate with your energy, your hopes, your dreams, and your desires. 

Again, today you don't have to take any action, but you are asked to stop stuffing your feelings down and, at the very least, give yourself permission to grieve this change in your life, to allow for the shift within, and to allow yourself to move through your emotions until you get to a place where the change feels comfortable and you know for sure that moving forward or taking action is the right for you.

*This week’s deck is the Butterfly Oracle by Doreen Virtue (affiliate link).

Daily Divination - WELCOME THE NEW


Can you feel that? The shift in the air? The change in your mood? The subtle energetic openings that are happening today?

They are real, and my Guides are telling me that we are entering into a new realm of possibilities this weekend. Timing is divine for many projects or ideas that you've been working on. The key now is to ALLOW for what is coming to unfold and not to force it.

"Change can be exciting, bringing you opportunities for joy, learning, and success. This card indicates that you may have been anxious in the face of newness. You are reassured, though, that this change will bring many blessings for everyone involved. Although it may occur differently than how you would have scripted it, all is in Divine and perfect order."

*This week’s deck is the Butterfly Oracle Cards for Life Changes. (affiliate link).

Daily Divination - SPIRITUAL GROWTH


You are here and now.

Stop for a moment and consider something...

Do you want more of what you are experiencing, or would you like to see life through a new lens, one of joy and peacefulness?

If you chose the latter, then this is your call to open to new possibilities of spiritual growth and alignment. You are here reading this today for a reason. Will you see this as the calling it is, or brush it off as... ah, that stuff isn't for me?

"This card signifies that the change you're currently in the midst of (or contemplating) is part of your spiritual growth. It will bring about great blessings, even if challenges present themselves along the way. As this experience comes to a conclusion, you'll know that you are very strong indeed. In fact, this situation will push you to leave behind your comfort zone. You'll reach deep inside to a reservoir of strength you did not know you had."

*This week’s deck is the Butterfly Oracle Cards for Life Changes. (affiliate link)

Daily Divination - WINDFALL


Ooh, what a great card to get today...My guides are telling me that whatever has been stuck financially, is now going to loosen up and start to flow. They show me a river of debris that has blocked the flow of financial abundance is beginning to fall away and make way for the flow to resume.

How absolutely wonderful!

"A positive change in your finances is indicated by this card. Although new found abundance may be unexpected, it definitely serves a purpose in your life. Your prayers for support have been heard and answered, and now it is your role to utilize the windfall in the most beneficial way..."

*This week’s deck is the Butterfly Oracle Cards for Life Changes. (affiliate link).

Daily Divination - FORGIVENESS


Part of true spiritual growth and evolution is letting go of everything that is no longer serving you. Perhaps your "un-forgiveness" of self or others in the past served you in some way... perhaps the anger or betrayal you felt allowed for relationship dynamics to shift, or lessons to be learned. However, if you are reading this message, you are guided 100% to let go of any anger or feelings of betrayal that remains in your heart. Let the past go...forgiveness is for you and no one else.

"Dear one, have you been carrying around anger, guilt, shame, or regrets? This card indicates that it is time to set down these burdens so that you can spread your wings and fly higher. You are guided to release stored emotions and thoughts that may block you. Forgiveness doesn't mean that what others did to you is okay or that you need to spend time with them. Rather, it means that you are choosing to detox yourself from residual negative thoughts and emotions related to these experiences."

*This week’s deck is the Butterfly Oracle Cards for Life Changes. (affiliate link).

Daily Divination - HEALING FROM THE PAST


My dearest one, why must you doubt your own ability to change your life's trajectory? Why do you let the same cycles consistently repeat and upset you, or even worse, further damage your psyche or self-esteem?

Do you not believe that you are meant to experience JOY? Do you not understand that you are not meant to suffer.

Stop the cycles and be free; whether they are thought patterns or unhealthy behaviors. You and only you can decide.

You are loved, and this is your sign that today is the day you can finally move on.

*This week’s deck is the Butterfly Oracle Cards for Life Changes. (affiliate link)

Heavenly Sign - Butterfly Oracle Cards for Life Changes (Copy)


As I channel this, I hear a bird singing his song in the background. Certain birds are absolutely spiritual signs for me... a bluebird comes to tell me that my Angels and Guides hear me and that I am loved and supported. A Cardinal shows up to remind me that loved ones who have passed still walk with me, and red-tailed hawks swoop in front of me or leave their feathers in my path so that I know I am Divinely protected.

What signs have you been hearing and noticing of late? Know for sure that if you are seeing special repeating numbers or are seeing items or animals that you have deemed "spiritual" or "significant" these are signs from above, your guideposts helping you move forward.

"This card comes to you as one of many signs you're receiving from above to let you know that you're loved and watched over. Heaven frequently dispatches butterflies to signal that a passed-on loved one is happy and sending you encouragement. Additional signs may include birds, feathers, and rainbows, or something else in nature. Or your signs might involve coins, music or other human-made items. You're asked to notice and trust these signs so that you'll feel Heaven's presence in your daily life."

*This week’s deck is the Butterfly Oracle Cards for Life Changes. (affiliate link)

ADULT CHILDREN - Butterfly Oracle Cards for Life Changes

Daily Divination


With each passing day, our children become more and more their own person. We know we have to start letting go, letting them find their own way, make their own mistakes, and discover new and exciting possibilities, but it doesn't always feel so great. In fact, experiences a sense of grief or loss when our children reach major milestones is quite normal. It’s okay to start tapping into your own passions now and begin to create new and meaningful relationships and start new projects.

This card can also speak to the child in you who knows it’s time to grow up.

You are loved and supported by the divine...so if you know you need to make changes, believe in yourself and GO FOR IT!

*This week’s deck is the Butterfly Oracle Cards for Life Changes. (affiliate link).

MEMORIES - Butterfly Oracle Cards for Life Changes

MEMORIES - Butterfly Oracle for Life Changes

Daily Divination - Friday, March 19, 2021


This card guides you to reflect on happy memories; pictures, videos, or fun family stories will do the trick.

Focus on the beautiful and loving times and let go of any sadness or sorrow…especially if you a grieving a loss.

This has been a tremendous week of healing for many; that which is in need of healing has come up full force.

Listen to the call of your Highest Self. Surrender to the Divine love and light; it’s here for you, always.

*This week’s deck is the Butterfly Oracle Cards for Life Changes. (affiliate link).

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FORGIVENESS - Butterfly Oracle Cards for Life Changes

FORGIVENESS - Butterfly Oracle for Life Changes

Daily Divination - Thursday, March 18, 2021


If you’ve been carrying around anger, guilt, shame or regret, this card calls you to let it go…for your highest good.

Forgiveness sets YOU free…

It doesn’t mean you have to condone someone else’s “bad” behavior, but in forgiveness, you send the message to the Universe that you are no longer going to carry someone else’s burden.

Can you imagine how amazing it will feel to be free from all that negativity?!

Learn your lessons from whatever has happened, but release all negative emotions and the meanings you’ve given them.

You deserve peace and it begins with forgiveness.

*This week’s deck is the Butterfly Oracle Cards for Life Changes. (affiliate link).

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LEAVING - Butterfly Oracle Cards for Life Changes

LEAVING - Butterfly Oracle for Life Changes

Daily Divination - Wednesday, March 17, 2021


“This card confirms what you already know; it’s time to leave a toxic situation. You’ve done your best to heal the conditions, but sometimes the circumstances become intolerable and the healthiest choice is to move on. This naturally brings up feelings of confusion and insecurity. However, rest assured that whenever you’re on the right path, which you are, everything works out for the best.

Your departure doesn't need to be sudden or drastic. Like a butterfly building a cocoon, you can plan and prepare for this transition right now. You can even make your exit gradual so that you feel comfortable and secure during this healthy change.”

I didn’t want to change the message of this card, because when I connected to channel, my guides told me to leave it as it is...so the right people who need to hear this message would find it in its entirety.

*This week’s deck is the Butterfly Oracle Cards for Life Changes. (affiliate link).

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SEEKING and FINDING - Butterfly Oracle Cards for Life Changes

SEEKING AND FINDING - Butterfly Oracle for Life Changes

Daily Divination - Monday, March 15, 2021


“Like a butterfly flying from flower to flower, you are searching for what’s next. This card reassures you that you’ll find what you are looking for... Hold the vision of success, experience the excitement of the process, and feel fulfillment as if everything has already been accomplished.”

I love this card so much because it reminds us NOT to draw fear into our experience. What is meant for us will not pass us by.

Set the intentions, surrender them to Source, and then take reasonable action each day to move you closer to your dreams.. Just try not to get in the way of the Universe... who are we to know all the ways the Universe has planned to deliver us what is for our Highest Good??

*This week’s deck is the Butterfly Oracle Cards for Life Changes. (affiliate link).

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MOTIVATION - Butterfly Oracle Cards for Life Changes

MOTIVATION - Butterfly Oracle for Life Changes

Daily Divination - Sunday, March 14, 2021


“You drew this card because your motivation is changing, and what once interested you doesn’t anymore...and what does interest you seems to be distracting you from your responsibilities.”

Don’t panic...this is called heightened awareness.

You are coming into alignment with your truth, and discovering what is for your best and highest good.

You may be feeling stressed, but the good news is that you can finally see this “pattern or situation” for what it really is. Prepare to let it go or for it to evolve.

Don’t forget though, you are FIRST meant to deal with the “boredom”; not by just moving on to something else. First, try to understand WHY you are bored. What has changed in you that what you are doing or focusing on is no longer exciting or challenging to you? Don’t let another pattern take over, only to find yourself right back where you are today.

Go inward, go deep, and find out WHY, so you can move on or evolve with grace and ferver...and reclaim your motivation!

*This week’s deck is the Butterfly Oracle Cards for Life Changes. (affiliate link).

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ADULT CHILDREN - Butterfly Oracle Cards for Life Changes

ADULT CHILDREN - Butterfly Oracle for Life Changes

Daily Divination - Saturday, March 13, 2021


With each passing day, our children become more and more their own person. We know we have to start letting go, letting them find their own way, make their own mistakes, and discover new and exciting possibilities, but it doesn't always feel so great. In fact, experiences a sense of grief or loss when our children reach major milestones is quite normal. It’s okay to start tapping into your own passions now and begin to create new and meaningful relationships and start new projects.

This card can also speak to the child in you who knows it’s time to grow up.

You are loved and supported by the divine...so if you know you need to make changes, believe in yourself and GO FOR IT!

*This week’s deck is the Butterfly Oracle Cards for Life Changes. (affiliate link).

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