Dragon's Lair (reversed) - Enchanted Map Oracle

Daily Divination - Saturday, November 05, 2021

DRAGON’S LAIR (reversed)

Sometimes we want something SO badly, that we ignore what our inner voice is telling us. We ignore the clear and present signs being presented over and over again by the universe. Now is the time to listen to that inner voice. YOU know what is for your highest and best good. Follow YOUR lead.

"Red flags shouldn't be ignored. Don't be seduced into learning a lesson that will hurt your heart. Temptation and intrigue abound, but be careful, because you can't win this particular challenge. Heed this gentle warning about wanting and longing; and the fantasy of belonging to someone, something, or an identity that has no true substance or longevity. Ignore this alarm and you'll wander in circles near the edge of the Dragon's Lair. Choose another path, for your treasures lie elsewhere."

*This week’s deck is the Enchanted Map Oracle by Colette Baron Reid. (affiliate link)