Enchanted Map Oracle

Compass - Enchanted Map Oracle

Daily Divination - Friday, January 21, 2022


Spirit is working in your life right now...Stay focused and true to you; the path where your soul is leading you.

“You’re entering uncharted territories right now and can expect wonderful new experiences. To stay on the highest path of your destiny, you’ll need to keep your compass pointed to True North. Only Spirit, or a higher power, can serve this function. Money, property, prestige, romance, and other material achievements can’t help you find your true path. They are simply things you may experience along the journey.

Know that Spirit is working in your life, so even if you feel lost temporarily, it will be easy to find your way. Have faith and trust for your compass, with Spirit as True North, will ensure that you’ll never be lost - even on a starless night when all seems dark.”

*This week’s deck is the Enchanted Map Oracle by Colette Baron Reid. (affiliate link)

Encouragement - Enchanted Map Oracle

Daily Divination - Thursday, January 20, 2022


This is the card we always hope to get. The card that assures us we ARE on the right track. That no matter what we are facing now, our power will continue to grow, and we can make it to the next level or the other side.

“You’re being gently encouraged to step into your power, into the dream of your life. New things are out there to be explored, and the nurturing power of the universe is giving you a nudge in the right direction. You will get the help you need and won’t be alone in your quest. Every step you take right now is supported by the wisdom of the universe! You are on the right path...keep going.”

*This week’s deck is the Enchanted Map Oracle by Colette Baron Reid. (affiliate link)

Talisman - Enchanted Map Oracle

Daily Divination - Wednesday, January 19, 2022


Imagine you are your own talisman - you protect yourself from failing, from taking a wrong turn, from making a mistake. Your Inner power is rising; you are clear now, stronger than ever. Follow that inner guidance, and all will be well in your world.

“Wisdom allows you to recognize traps on the road and familiar patterns that you want to avoid. It also enables you to quickly gather information about where you are on your journey. It helps you recognize your allies and know-how to find the best routes along the way. Now you’re at a place where you know the right things to do and the next choices to make. You really can’t commit a mistake. Whatever your inquiry, great fortune awaits you, for you have the wisdom to arrive at the right decision. You’ve learned your lessons and earned the right to your success.”

*This week’s deck is the Enchanted Map Oracle by Colette Baron Reid. (affiliate link)

Wishing Well - Enchanted Map Oracle

Daily Divination - Tuesday, January 18, 2022


It's days like this that we wait for. Synchronicities abound. Be ready to see the "light at the end of the tunnel" to understand something you were unable to until now, to have the life-shifting revelation that will move you to a new level of understanding and clarity as to the direction to move in. Desire is the most important impulse for creating life. Now you're seeing the relationship between desire and inspiration and sensing that moment of truth when you feel the inception of new life. It is an "aha" moment; when everything makes sense. Perhaps you recognize a soulmate or are conceiving a baby or an idea.

The Wishing Well card awakens you to the presence of unseen forces that enable new beginnings.

Divine intelligence activates the field of possibilities when new life is co-created in a magical way. Neither you nor anyone else can know how or why this happens. It just does. To that end, you can't control the process of growth. Rather you must step aside to be a channel for higher forces and relinquish any attachment to how this new creation should appear or when. Form your intention, and take action by dropping the coin into the wishing well then trust in spirit."

*This week’s deck is the Enchanted Map Oracle by Colette Baron Reid. (affiliate link)

Ride the Wave (reversed) - Enchanted Map Oracle

Daily Divination - Monday, January 17, 2022

RIDE THE WAVE (reversed)

Now is the time for planning and preparation. Make sure you have your strategies worked out and a solid plan in place. Sooner than later, you will have to answer the calling, make the decisions, or take action.

"You may be mistaking a rogue wave for a fun ride. You can only coast for so long before you hit the shoreline with a smack! The tide is ebbing, and your activities are now preparing you for when that wonderful wave comes in for you to ride. You're meant to learn how to be a strong swimmer now. Don't worry - preparation ensures a successful result! However, you must wait patiently for the right moment to come. Now is the time for conscious preparation and skill-building."

*This week’s deck is the Enchanted Map Oracle by Colette Baron Reid. (affiliate link)

Come Together (reversed) - Enchanted Map Oracle

Daily Divination - Sunday, January 16, 2022

COME TOGETHER (reversed)

There is no award for fighting for something or someone that isn't right for you, who isn't for your highest and best good. If you run into trouble today with a lover or a friend or find yourself in the middle of some sort of drama….please, don't feed that fire.

Practice healthy detachment. Winning this "battle" is not possible right now, so just allow it to be for now. Make a decision or take action when you are balanced and aligned with your inner power.

"When the come together card appears reversed, it's a sign that perhaps a love connection is imbalanced. Is intimacy being withheld from you, or are you withholding it from another? Longing and yearning are often mistaken for love - when in fact they are signs of lack. Perhaps you've been doing all the emotional work and pouring your water into an empty well, to the point that now you are also depleted. Know this. True love will not be denied you. What is truly for you will never walk past you or require this much energy. Drop the agendas, the fight, the need to win... and allow love to flow through you. True love will always find Its reflection in another."

*This week’s deck is the Enchanted Map Oracle by Colette Baron Reid. (affiliate link)

Dragon's Lair (reversed) - Enchanted Map Oracle

Daily Divination - Saturday, January 15, 2022

DRAGON’S LAIR (reversed)

Sometimes we want something SO badly, that we ignore what our inner voice is telling us. We ignore the clear and present signs being presented over and over again by the universe. Now is the time to listen to that inner voice. YOU know what is for your highest and best good. Follow YOUR lead.

"Red flags shouldn't be ignored. Don't be seduced into learning a lesson that will hurt your heart. Temptation and intrigue abound, but be careful, because you can't win this particular challenge. Heed this gentle warning about wanting and longing; and the fantasy of belonging to someone, something, or an identity that has no true substance or longevity. Ignore this alarm and you'll wander in circles near the edge of the Dragon's Lair. Choose another path, for your treasures lie elsewhere."

*This week’s deck is the Enchanted Map Oracle by Colette Baron Reid. (affiliate link)

Dragon's Lair (reversed) - Enchanted Map Oracle

Daily Divination - Saturday, November 05, 2021

DRAGON’S LAIR (reversed)

Sometimes we want something SO badly, that we ignore what our inner voice is telling us. We ignore the clear and present signs being presented over and over again by the universe. Now is the time to listen to that inner voice. YOU know what is for your highest and best good. Follow YOUR lead.

"Red flags shouldn't be ignored. Don't be seduced into learning a lesson that will hurt your heart. Temptation and intrigue abound, but be careful, because you can't win this particular challenge. Heed this gentle warning about wanting and longing; and the fantasy of belonging to someone, something, or an identity that has no true substance or longevity. Ignore this alarm and you'll wander in circles near the edge of the Dragon's Lair. Choose another path, for your treasures lie elsewhere."

*This week’s deck is the Enchanted Map Oracle by Colette Baron Reid. (affiliate link)

Compass - Enchanted Map Oracle

COMPASS: Enchanted Map Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid

Daily Divination - Friday, April 17, 2020


Spirit is working in your life right now...Stay focused and true to you; the path where your soul is leading you.

“You’re entering uncharted territories right now and can expect wonderful new experiences. To stay on the highest path of your destiny, you’ll need to keep your compass pointed to True North. Only Spirit, or a higher power, can serve this function. Money, property, prestige, romance, and other material achievements can’t help you find your true path. They are simply things you may experience along the journey.

Know that Spirit is working in your life, so even if you feel lost temporarily, it will be easy to find your way. Have faith and trust for your compass, with Spirit as True North, will ensure that you’ll never be lost - even on a starless night when all seems dark.”

*This week’s deck is the Enchanted Map Oracle by Colette Baron Reid. (affiliate link)

Encouragement - Enchanted Map Oracle

ENCOURAGEMENT: Enchanted Map Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid

Daily Divination - Thursday, April 16, 2020


This is the card we always hope to get. The card that assures us we ARE on the right track. That no matter what we are facing now, our power will continue to grow, and we can make it to the next level or the other side.

“You’re being gently encouraged to step into your power, into the dream of your life. New things are out there to be explored, and the nurturing power of the universe is giving you a nudge in the right direction. You will get the help you need and won’t be alone in your quest. Every step you take right now is supported by the wisdom of the universe! You are on the right path...keep going.”

*This week’s deck is the Enchanted Map Oracle by Colette Baron Reid. (affiliate link)

Talisman - Enchanted Map Oracle

TALISMAN: Enchanted Map Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid

Daily Divination - Wednesday, April 15, 2020


Imagine you are your own talisman - you protect yourself from failing, from taking a wrong turn, from making a mistake. Your Inner power is rising; you are clear now, stronger than ever. Follow that inner guidance, and all will be well in your world.

“Wisdom allows you to recognize traps on the road and familiar patterns that you want to avoid. It also enables you to quickly gather information about where you are on your journey. It helps you recognize your allies and know-how to find the best routes along the way. Now you’re at a place where you know the right things to do and the next choices to make. You really can’t commit a mistake. Whatever your inquiry, great fortune awaits you, for you have the wisdom to arrive at the right decision. You’ve learned your lessons and earned the right to your success.”

*This week’s deck is the Enchanted Map Oracle by Colette Baron Reid. (affiliate link)

Wishing Well - Enchanted Map Oracle

WISHING WELL: Enchanted Map Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid

Daily Divination - Tuesday, April 14, 2020


It's days like this that we wait for. Synchronicities abound. Be ready to see the "light at the end of the tunnel" to understand something you were unable to until now, to have the life-shifting revelation that will move you to a new level of understanding and clarity as to the direction to move in. "Desire is the most important impulse for creating life. Now you're seeing the relationship between desire and inspiration and sensing that moment of truth when you feel the inception of new life. It is an "aha" moment; when everything makes sense. Perhaps you recognize a soulmate or are conceiving a baby or an idea. The Wishing Well card awakens you to the presence of unseen forces that enable new beginnings.

Divine intelligence activates the field of possibilities when new life is co-created in a magical way. Neither you nor anyone else can know how or why this happens. It just does. To that end, you can't control the process of growth. Rather you must step aside to be a channel for higher forces and relinquish any attachment to how this new creation should appear or when. Form your intention, and take action by dropping the coin into the wishing well then trust in spirit."

*This week’s deck is the Enchanted Map Oracle by Colette Baron Reid. (affiliate link)

Ride the Wave (reversed) - Enchanted Map Oracle

RIDE THE WAVE (reversed): Enchanted Map Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid

Daily Divination - Monday, April 13, 2020

RIDE THE WAVE (reversed)

Now is the time for planning and preparation. Make sure you have your strategies worked out and a solid plan in place. Sooner than later, you will have to answer the calling, make the decisions, or take action.

"You may be mistaking a rogue wave for a fun ride. You can only coast for so long before you hit the shoreline with a smack! The tide is ebbing, and your activities are now preparing you for when that wonderful wave comes in for you to ride. You're meant to learn how to be a strong swimmer now. Don't worry - preparation ensures a successful result! However, you must wait patiently for the right moment to come. Now is the time for conscious preparation and skill-building."

*This week’s deck is the Enchanted Map Oracle by Colette Baron Reid. (affiliate link)

Come Together (reversed) - Enchanted Map Oracle

COME TOGETHER (reversed): Enchanted Map Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid

Daily Divination - Sunday, April 12, 2020

COME TOGETHER (reversed)

There is no award for fighting for something or someone that isn't right for you, who isn't for your highest and best good. If you run into trouble today with a lover or a friend or find yourself in the middle of some sort of drama….please, don't feed that fire.

Practice healthy detachment. Winning this "battle" is not possible right now, so just allow it to be for now. Make a decision or take action when you are balanced and aligned with your inner power.

"When the come together card appears reversed, it's a sign that perhaps a love connection is imbalanced. Is intimacy being withheld from you, or are you withholding it from another? Longing and yearning are often mistaken for love - when in fact they are signs of lack. Perhaps you've been doing all the emotional work and pouring your water into an empty well, to the point that now you are also depleted. Know this. True love will not be denied you. What is truly for you will never walk past you or require this much energy. Drop the agendas, the fight, the need to win... and allow love to flow through you. True love will always find Its reflection in another."

*This week’s deck is the Enchanted Map Oracle by Colette Baron Reid. (affiliate link)

Dragon's Lair (reversed) - Enchanted Map Oracle

DRAGON’S LAIR (reversed): Enchanted Map Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid

Daily Divination - Saturday, April 11, 2020

DRAGON’S LAIR (reversed)

Sometimes we want something SO badly, that we ignore what our inner voice is telling us. We ignore the clear and present signs being presented over and over again by the universe. Now is the time to listen to that inner voice. YOU know what is for your highest and best good. Follow YOUR lead.

"Red flags shouldn't be ignored. Don't be seduced into learning a lesson that will hurt your heart. Temptation and intrigue abound, but be careful, because you can't win this particular challenge. Heed this gentle warning about wanting and longing; and the fantasy of belonging to someone, something, or an identity that has no true substance or longevity. Ignore this alarm and you'll wander in circles near the edge of the Dragon's Lair. Choose another path, for your treasures lie elsewhere."

*This week’s deck is the Enchanted Map Oracle by Colette Baron Reid. (affiliate link)