Ride the Wave (reversed) - Enchanted Map Oracle

RIDE THE WAVE (reversed): Enchanted Map Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid

Daily Divination - Monday, April 13, 2020

RIDE THE WAVE (reversed)

Now is the time for planning and preparation. Make sure you have your strategies worked out and a solid plan in place. Sooner than later, you will have to answer the calling, make the decisions, or take action.

"You may be mistaking a rogue wave for a fun ride. You can only coast for so long before you hit the shoreline with a smack! The tide is ebbing, and your activities are now preparing you for when that wonderful wave comes in for you to ride. You're meant to learn how to be a strong swimmer now. Don't worry - preparation ensures a successful result! However, you must wait patiently for the right moment to come. Now is the time for conscious preparation and skill-building."

*This week’s deck is the Enchanted Map Oracle by Colette Baron Reid. (affiliate link)