GODDESS OF NATURE - Angels, Gods, and Goddesses Oracle

RAPHAEL: COMMUNION - Angels of Atlantis Oracle by Stewart Pearce

Daily Divination - Tuesday, June 15th, 2021


“You reap what you sow; your dream is coming to fruition.“

When we connect with nature we can tune in to our soul and what we really want to create in our lives. Ground yourself by walking on grass, sand, dirt, and feel the connection to Mother Earth. Set your intentions and follow the guidance received and your dreams will come true hear ya.

“Your dream is coming to fruition. This is a time to reap the rewards and benefits that are derived from the seeds of a project, venture, or idea you planted some time ago. Your harvest time has come. Accept all the blessings about to come your way and realize that they are the result of the love, courage, dedication, and commitment you have shown in the recent past.  Give thanks to Mother Nature and enjoy!”

*This week’s deck is the Angels, Gods, and Goddesses deck.