GODDESS OF PSYCHIC PROTECTION - Angels, Gods, and Goddesses Oracle

RAPHAEL: COMMUNION - Angels of Atlantis Oracle by Stewart Pearce

Daily Divination - Wednesday, June 16th, 2021


“What you believe you create; no one can harm you.“

Ask the angels to surround you whenever you feel scared, sad, or angry as they will protect you. Trust that the angels always surround you and let go of fears that may keep you from moving forward. Remember the saying, “ what you think about, you bring about” so try to maintain a healthy attitude and not let fear or anxiety create negativity.

“All is energetically connected to the light of love. No one can psychically harm you, possess you, or influence you unless you believe they can. What you believe, you create! You do not need to protect yourself from others as much as you need to protect yourself from your own negative beliefs and fears. To dissolve these beliefs and fears all you need to do is focus on the light and love within and around you,  and within and around every living thing. Imagine pure light surrounding you each and every moment of your life. Know you’re always protected and forever within God’s light.”

*This week’s deck is the Angels, Gods, and Goddesses deck.