Rhea (reversed) - Goddess Power Oracle

RHEA (reversed): Goddess Power Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid, Flow

Daily Divination - Sunday, July 5, 2020

RHEA (reversed)

Now is the time to lean on and into your faith. Are you trying to CONTROL outcomes, or manipulate people or situations to do what you want as you want it? If so, it's time to remember that you simply can't control all outcomes and certainly can't change other's actions, choices, and behaviors. Let go and let God!

"The goddess Rhea reminds you that when you trust the flow state, you will find an opportunity to flow around a bend you've not discovered yet. Her alignment task for you is to let go of the branch and allow yourself to be carried on the river of your life into parts of the river you have not yet traveled through. She will ensure that although you will experience unfamiliar and unexpected things, releasing the form of it all will only result in the discovery of magic and miracles. Let go and allow the flow to do the rest! You’ll be amazed at how effortless life becomes.”

*This week’s deck is the Goddess Power Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid (affiliate link).