Daily Divination - Monday, July 22, 2019

SHAKTI - Transformation: Goddess Power Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid


Oh, the struggle...

How many times have we sworn to commit to something, be it self care, self-empowerment, spiritual study, or something that will enrich our life, yet we let the scared or wounded part of us take the lead instead?

Well, Shakti is here to let us know that the energy is shifting.

Now is our moment to begin, moving forward; even falling forward is better than no movement at all.

Seize the powerful energy that is here for you now, and watch miracles form before your eyes...

"Wonderful change is afoot in your life when the Hindu goddess Shakti comes to support you. All your longing, desire, and focus on something better in your life, coupled with your willingness to do the work, has ignited the life force energy of the Great Goddess. She responds now to bring you your heart's desire. Know that now is the perfect time to move into the highest version of yourself."

It's time to be authentic and true to you…

"You are stepping into your destiny - do so wisely and without guile, and you will be amazed at the way your world awakens with breathtaking beauty."

This week’s deck is the Goddess Power Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid.