
Breathe - Wisdom of the Oracle

BREATHE: Wisdom of the Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid

Daily Divination - Sunday, November 3, 2019


“Patience in all things is called for right now.”

Slow down… meditate… trust… breathe… repeat…

How many times during the day do you realize you are not breathing… I mean literally holding your breath. What are you not allowing?

Our bodies need oxygen to survive and even more for optimal performance.

Our minds need us to breathe in order to take a moment and process information.

Our emotions need us to breathe in order to feel and integrate before reacting.

And finally, our souls need us to breathe… long and deep… in order to connect with our truth, connect with the earth, connect with source (the divine, the universe).

Take some time today to just BREATHE!

*This week’s deck is the Wisdom of the Oracle Cards (affiliate link) by Collette Baron-Reid.